SFoL 36 Expansionist - Marl, Maximus and Livicus win!

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Hjasik Sam17z 1/8
Puggo Marg, Alice, Maxi, 3/8
HTM Marluxion, BlueSt0rm, Frostwolf, Squid, Puggo 5/8
Fool Oncius Hjasik, Shuri 2/8

Pls tell me I can count today :tired_face:

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I wouldnā€™t worry about that

Wait fuck I just got on

Who should I bounty

No one hammer pls until I bounty

Your bounty really doesnt matter tbh

It matters to me tho .-.

Also I have a test in a bit so itā€™s best if you tell me now or I gotta wait an hour

/vote HTM

If this flips Missionary instead of Spy then IMO Hjasik was probably the convert due to his reaction to how I remarked on HTMā€™s inactivity before.

I have no problems lynching an inactive but the timeā€™s a ticking @Htm

Somewhat odd for him to post this just because I found his inactivity odd, tbh.

Hmmā€¦ I honestly donā€™t have enough time for this

sorry. /replace out

cuz I am playing in his game and he is inactive there lol?

Any takers?

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and was inactive in echoes too

Except that thereā€™s no need to white-knight like this.


If HTM flips Missionary then occupy Hjasik.

What about you occ alice instead

she is obvs convert

If HTM flips Missionary then Iā€™ll give you time to message me tonight, hjasik. If you donā€™t, Iā€™m occupying you.

I am giving message to invest

as already said above

since we are checking squid

This doesnā€™t prove him. Also his insistence on occupying an investigator with a green check on them is not behavior to come from a town-aligned player.