SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

What about the Warlock’s passive?

Neutral Offensive
Bend Reality (Passive) - As long as you remain alive, Blue Dragon classes that are passively immune to occupation are not.
Dark Magics (Passive) - You appear as a member of the Infected to investigations.

Which passive do which to you refer?

Probs cuz FK is neuts in

dunno though

Also why are we pardoning Insanity?

Surely not the first as you would be asking me about my class

And surely not the second as Warlock is pretty much a scum Neutral

Pretty much we have too many neutral claims

We aren’t. He has to be lynched

/vote insanity?

Anyway we shouldn’t immediately pardon/execute since according to the OP trials don’t have time

Random Kingdom/Random Neutral
Random Kingdom/Random Neutral Insanity (Child or Lab Assistant or Warlock)
Random Neutral Celeste? I think?
Random Neutral Hjasik fool
Neutral Killer we will put Marcus here but not sold on that

This is what we have so far yes?

Trials are based on FOL or EOD whichever is first

(Could u actually remove me from Random neut and put Prince)

I could but I don’t see a reason to yet

(Triggered, what neut am I then if im not prince)



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Then why do I want to lynch you?

So basically we have the whole 46 hours left to discuss stuff.

We should use that time and at the very end of it execute or pardon

That much I agree with.

I in general don’t help with fake claims

(Cuz u bazinga and have bad scumreads? /s)

That’s it I’m leaving the discord