SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

Additionally, Noz has replaced out so we need a replacement. Ping your friends! :smiley:

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/Accuse shurian

Why are you accusing shurian?

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Shurian bazingaboy 1/9

With 17 alive, majority is 9.

I looked at the players left alive and picked a name that made me feel weird. Then I isoed them and they look guilty

Reminding again for noots to out

Except they helped me catch Marcus.

That was gamerpoke

Gamer caught insanity shurian caught Marcus.


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/Vote @Livicus

What’s your thoughts on everything?

/Accuse livicus

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how the heck did 5 people die the same night?

wasnt shurian a confirmed magician yesterday? :thinking:

Do you claim neutral?

Well obviously speaking, lots of people are dead, but Marcus juked us while PKR did soulread him

So even more sure that PKR is Good King

I think the new Plaguebearer might have been one of the more slanky ones, due to Marcus distracting everyone yesterday

what do you mean by the more slanky ones?

With Marcus and his commotion, Patient Zero was probably taking advantage and staying utr

does an alive dance

still alive

when i asked to die n1


I’m actually happy af rn for reasons

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