SFoL 37 Infection - (2/24) - Completed - Mind Flayer, Cleric and Lab Assistant Win!

what’s the reason for that?

Can’t tell

if you got a lead that would be nice. oh wait. were you healed yesteday?

because my class is boring

I was replying to htm on that one

@MathBlade you not leaving logs screwed me btw because now i have no idea who i was swapped to with my check


Don’t think I would know that

just leave a journal next time :wink:

Anyway /accuse FK

Also thoughts on our king?

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im not sure. he tried to force pardon marcus, whom he thought was a lich? but is actually the plaguebearer.

@PokemonKidRyan why did you force pardon the infected? Isn’t it ideal to hang him tho


at this moment, the evil king pkr knew he screwed up.

Maybe he was trying to keep Marcus alive until Day 4?

He did call him out

Is anyone infected other than me?

important question


Also anyone notice how he tried to get me and Marl lynched because it could risk the life of fake prince Hja when he claimed to not be Prince anymore?

Uhh interesting. Interesting indeed.

A 10/10 response that immediately pings me as suspicious and full on gut reading based off nothing

My gut reads are based off something you know?

/vote PKR