SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die


you aren’t supposed to claim that!


oh no are the thought police after me?

New Player Guide

Try to keep your class to yourself for as long for as possible. Keep it likes it’s your secret treasure. Don’t claim confirmable cause if you are really confirmable then you would do it later, so people don’t think about converting you now.

shhshshshs was a bluff shhsshhh

I’d say converted Knight/Drunk/Butler is quite terrifying for first convert.

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do I remind you of what you used to do ?

Claiming to be a confirmable class Day 1 is physically the worst possible play for village to do. It clears you almost entirely, sure, but here’s what it does:

it gives the wolves an informed first action (extremely bad in this setup)
it makes you an instant target for all the wolves’ nightkillls, and most of them have a way around healers.
it also fucks up the ability for weaker classes to bait others into attacking them.

If I have to be brutally honest hjasik, yes. In the worst possible way.

so claiming prince d1 is bad ok I get it



Yeah obviously

I cc prince

I cc your prince cc about my prince ccing your earlier prince which you now cc

but you cant cc cuz you were ccd

If FOL had a d1 trial memeing would decrease about 20% NGL

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i counterclaim 2-shot Gladiator 5-shot Gunsmith 1-shot Global Occupier JOAT, bitch

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in my case too?

Eh, this kind of fakeclaiming Prince meme’ing is actually good. It creates chaos and muddies claims so the wolves won’t exactly have a clear target. As long as nobody here CCs the real Prince when they out, we should be good.

i counterclaim prince



When everyone is claiming prince