SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

srsl tho I promised myself to try not to meme this game cuz I am already at the edge of being blacklisted

Think you are breaking your promise.

Memeing is okay, just donā€™t hard-claim scum and youā€™ll be fine.

Itā€™s not the meming that makes people dislike you as a player, itā€™s the eternal chainswaing and bullheaded deathtunneling that people really take issue with.


Iā€™m just Prince that evolved into king before these abyssians came, god damn Xed

ā€œchainsaws iciā€

Does that loosely translated to ā€œbeing a (insert male private parts here) headā€

ā€¦You literally donā€™t know what the Chainsaw Defence is, do you?

Chainsaw Defense

The general form of this tell is ā€œa player who defends another player by attacking the other playerā€™s attacker is very probably scumā€ .

The key to identifying this tell is intent - it is possible to confuse Chainsaw Defense with a player who simply finds the attacker scummy and has no intent of defense. In general, you can be reasonably sure that this tell is involved if a) the player supposedly using Chainsaw Defense has not previously been especially critical of the player he is now attacking, and b) the player supposedly using Chainsaw Defense seems to find the player he is supposedly defending at least reasonably pro-town.

just copied from wiki ngl

Tl;dr - if a player pushes you then donā€™t assume that theyā€™re a wolf as they may also be a misguided villager.

Which kind of goes triple on this site considering that I can count the number of people here who try to powerwolf or actively push mislynches on my hand.

Yes, except somehow you manage to do it to yourself to a point which canā€™t just be considered a mere OMGUS.

Iā€™m just going to say that you did NOT catch Alice legitmately in Expansionist.
That was the day you ALMOST caught Alice Sarun!

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People were all townreading me and Maxi killed me as thought I was the most likely legit Inspector there, IIRC.

but but but that was slayer gambitā€¦

You have no clue how that works do you.

Slayerā€™s Gambit dosenā€™t exist. Itā€™s a complete and utter fallacy.
You were lucky that Alice was a wolf that game.

Eh, not really. Slayerā€™s Gambit is used to catch bandwagoners, not people actively pushing the wagon in bad faith.

yes I have no I just tried to do something I read from gambit list

Anything that makes you act scummy ill consider is probably bad and shouldnā€™t be listened to

The MafiaScum wiki is outdated as hell, while being a good resource.
It comes from a totally different meta, considering that MS games are 366/48 typically while theyā€™re 72/24 or 48/24 here.