SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

Guess what, cant deb a debber :smirk:

Good thing gamerpoke didnā€™t use that bypass that night if heā€™s actually reaper.

You know, reap what you sow.

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Fairly certain heā€™s telling the truth about Hja and that he is a Devout or Reaper in this case. His d2 posts were the exact same as his scumplay in City of Citizens.

IMO, for today I should be voted King, we execute Hja and Squid should probably jail but not execute Luxy as Icibalusā€™ case may be proven true at all and Luxy may be the converter due to his lack of voting d2.

So we will be left to finding the convert tonight.

@MaximusPrime Hey mate, I believe weā€™re close to gamesolving tomorrow - I believe Bazangaboy start to be convinced that you get to live and win with us, does that convince you to heal him in exchange for result we need from him?

15 hours until the kingmaking phase ends.

Alternatively it will end as soon as all votes have been sent (If Iā€™m awake)

I am confirmable tho

Explain how?

How so >:D

I am priest I can revive noz bug tonight if you want I wanted to save it for prince-therapist tho

As long as someone guards my ass tonight, we should be fine

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I can make you immune with my day ability

But you realize thereā€™s one death last night right? You and Poke got debā€™d, even though Poke claimed to have debā€™d you so that means he should be immune to Aliceā€™s deb.

Well I can revive noz bug tonight to confirm myself if you want

Same, plus he has not acted town motivated at all. I feel that he may be claiming Priest as a way to buy an additional night off.

Only I can claim Priest and get away with the fakeclaim.

For 3/4 nights!

So yeah I am not convinced as well, Alice.

Well you will see for yourself when I use my revive

Well the thing is, you going to be lynched today apparently

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