SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

give me a gud resource

Experience. And also all the articles on MU those are pretty damned good.

So I should claim since Marl already knows my class. It not a secret treasure anymore.


Don’t read anything. Deduction games are all RNG where people make up their reasoning afterwards

This is false.

False, if it was RNG the odds would be much different of winning and losing.

It’s heuristic RNG

But it’s not, considering that Mountainous winrate is 50/50 when it should be 70/30 in wolf’s favor


wasnt cult winrate in ToL 33%?

Technically due to the lack of certainty it involves some probability, but as you get better in deducing and reading then it becomes more skill-reliant than chance-reliant. It’s partially one of the reason why we had a perfect town game in All-Star as the players there were all highly skilled.

anyway, read all these posts on game strategy. (You can leave out the two modding articles but those are pretty good as well, so read them if you’re thinking of modding a game.)

I would win all of my games if it was skill-based

Your reads are relatively good, thing is you have problem convincing other players to sheep you.

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rng is skill in a way

knowing what player’s evil’s might target
or who has been quite all game or something like that
all and all not completely random

This article goes into detail regard how to be an effective town player as not only do you need to be able to find scum, but you also need to be a strong leader and have people sheep you.

I don’t think we should talk about convincing people to sheep other people.
The ideal way for villages to act is instead act like they’re cooperating with their villagereads to defeat their wolfreads. Running through village cores rather than agressive leadership promotes skilled play across the entire village.

It’s kind of why people here consider Marl a strong player. His reads are more accurate than not despite the Mislynch Marl jokes, but at the same time he can also get people to follow him.

I used the word sheep incorrectly here. It’s more about sounding convincing and cooperative, which is also a good skill to have if you want to powerwolf.

this has devolved into a discussion about theory rather than a game
what fun

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are my reads good?

guys can we just make up and just look at this?
