SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

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what no did I do that no what me nah really nah pfft I would do that pff what do you think i am pfff


one culty boi :thonking:

Everyone like their post

Jumpstart their obsession with likes

the ego itā€™s t-too much, I c-anā€™t resist

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relaxx youā€™ll be fine

We only crush your dreams

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and I crush your feeble mind with 200iq 4D chess le BiG MovEztM

Resist you Fool!



The Haunt

Neutral Offensive
Spooked (Passive) - The Haunt cannot be visited by players that are afraid.
Transparency (Passive) - The Haunt knows what players are currently afraid.
Translucency (Day) - Become death immune for the night. Everyone who visits you will become afraid. - 2 use
Peekaboo (Night) - Cause target player to become afraid and redirect them to a target of your choosing. Cannot redirect to you or themselves. - Infinite uses
Phantasmic Chains (Night) - Kill and occupy target player bypassing death immunity at cost of your own life. Every player who was feared by the Abyss will start bleeding and die in one night if not healed. - 1 use
Survive with every remaining player alive being afraid or die with every remaining player left alive being afraid

I made an attempt. Now you can all hate on it, because everyone hates ā€œsurvivorsā€. :smiley:

But the game wonā€™t start cause Marl boiā€™s asleep

itā€™s 3 at CST

the middle of the day

He works at night, his sleep schedule is different

Has an ability that causes it to Indra lose

Itā€™s an ability that should be used to fulfill his second win condition.

ah I see

yeah but why does he need his win condition is basically have everyone afraid

his win condition should be not to spawn

bit harsh?