SFoL 38 - Game Over - Even death may die

What do you think now? Typically a lot of BD will be bled in this way if he fulfills his win condition. He can either play as a quite regular survivor or if the Therapist dies early can try for the grand play.

The Nightmare :shield:

Abyss Social

Day Ability:Illusion - Target will appear as chosen class to investigators, can target self and unseen.( 3 uses)

Night Ability 1: Intercept - Select two targets, if anyone targets your first target they will receive feedback as if they targeted the second.

Night Ability 2 : Besmirch - Make a player show up as a certain class if executed tomorrow, can target unseen( 2 use)

alright class just donā€™t know what their pre-converted class should be

Make it abyss theme though, there arenā€™t unseen here

I see no bleeds?


but then he literally lost, he doesnā€™t deserve to cause chaos if he lost

It should do A LOT of damage if he wins

No he will only use that ability to fulfill his win condition. He causes chaos by regular redirection and fearing for the evil faction.

But he lost if he didnā€™t meet his win condition.

Thatā€™s why he shouldnā€™t use it prior of course.

but it causes zero chaos if he does win while it causes a lot of chaos if he doesnā€™t

It should be the exact opposite

It should punish people for letting him win and be a Big explosion (figuratively)

On average he might bleed like 3 or 4 people with that ability while killing and occupying another target.

Itā€™s exactly the reverse of what youā€™re saying. If he does not win through that ability, he does not do too much aside from classic redirection. If he does win through that ability he bleeds several people.

also lul him gamethrowing using it N1 and everyone starts bleeding

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A fool execution is also not that immensely punishing. I canā€™t make it too big or it will turn into a find the Haunt game, which it shouldnā€™t be.

but he canā€™t bleed people if he won, while he can if he lost

Read it againā€¦ Everyone who was not feared by your abilities starts bleeding. He bleeds everyone that the Abyss has feared.

Tbh I still donā€™t think thatā€™s punishing enough :thinking:

A little more?

He is already punishing in redirecting every night. I could make the bleed work in one night, but I donā€™t think he needs more. Just compare it to Foolā€™s execution.

What about this? A passive that as long as he is alive, feared players are penalized in some way? Like unable to use their action or having a cooldown on their action or taking extra usages away from abilities.

This is a bit similar to the Warlock, but itā€™s not really helping the Hauntā€™s win condition.

Way too much.

Cool downs on abilities basically make games way less enjoyable for people (when it was unlimited) kinda like when I was modblocksd in eevees game instead of warned

I would nerf the rest to fit this obviously.