SFOL 40: FE Echoes II [4/16] Day 6: A Fallen Field - Tatarrah Wins (And technically the Rigelians and Deliverance too but it's iffy)

I hate when my bubble bursts :frowning: Sad day

What I meant was not to agree :b
Thing is they would confirm their evil class for no advantage whatsoever
Also the only two deliverance at the beginning are Clive and Alm, who cannot do that.

If so many rigelians benefit from Lances victory, it means that they really picked Axes up.
So we should sword.

By they, you mean the Deliverance, is that correct?

I kinda wanna see who picks what atm. I was converted/killed so fast in the old game that like meh I never bothered paying attention

This is a WIFOM game, so they are trying to make you believe what is possibly going to happen :3

There’s always things that can be picked up. To dismiss hunting as wine when we are just starting is a bad. The entire game boils down to wine

That’s why I said earlier that you could track all ways to favor one weapon over the other, so it is not really that important to keep 10000IQing it, specially D2 or before any flips.

Alm tho

Do you really think they would use their ability instead of converting N1?

And they have some good start with sword picks
Id rather go for Lances tbh, tie or win

I really doubt he will use double lion N1.

Well, they could
I like to think about the possibilities
If not today, probably tomorrow

Reaper is Clive. CMV.

Hi town.

Wine over here!!
Wine over there!!
Amazing imported wine 25$ dollars!

But in seriousness thinking about probabilities is good. When they do and don’t use things gives us an idea of scum and their savvy or lack there of.

Nahhh I don’t think Reaper is scum

I do not know what is CMV but I assume that you could not be any less wrong
Can we change votes? If necessary I follow your lead as far as you decide to.

You can change vote whenever you want .-.

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You can change votes

Townslip from Reaper :slight_smile:

Except after hammer