SFoL 43 - Infected Chat

I think Kape is prince possibly. King hinted they were guarding them tho

going for blue since that will confirm you a little more with fkā€™s check that may or may not be real at this point

wait, use Infectious Influence on both Blue and Kape

Do you want me to poison fk then

Feel free to puppet my actions

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@TheTimerPlays did you use infectious influence on kape and blue?

yeah i did it

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/poison fk

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Margaret is The Infected Observer

Solic is The Infected Noble

The ā€˜theā€™ should be purple :angry:

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k fine :sob:

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Marluxion: You converted solic and marg

TheTimerPlays: You are infected and will die in 2 nights.

MaximusPrime: Slept Peacefully

oh thatā€™s nice Kappa

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How did solic get converted

If you are not immune Iā€™ll heal you

:man_shrugging: I donā€™t knowā€¦ something amazing I guess


Iā€™m pretty sure you scumslilped by claimong bleed

Thereā€™s like a crusader or whateverā€¦

Brush did you even read the class cards

Why would you do something like that without asking u first

Btw day abilities canā€™t be used during king electionā€¦

Just claim reaction test if pressured thenā€¦

that would make blue or kape crusader