SFoL 43 Infection II - (19/24) - Day 3 - Canned

That claim is random,but why fishy?

wait are you for real

why are you like this

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that’s amazing if so

Who the hell would claim child D2 when they had all of D1 to do it, and only just after Geyde said Hjasik might not be the Child?

What claim?

see that’s be true if there were actually a point to be made in the first place

He isn’t claiming child…(I think)

I’m nowhere near claiming child…

Don’t try and backtrack from this. Saying this even jokingly is scummy.

i’m like 90% certain he wasn’t claiming child, just that he is an irl child

weird flex but ok

That was joke because Marl called me a father…

That’s kinda EXTREMELY obvious.

I claimed D1 anyway and it was NOT child (it was a soft claim but still)


i don’t know about claiming chief

For god’s sake I’m done trying.

Every time I fucking try to find scum it turns out someone’s fucking memeing or some shit.


You were calling out the worlds most obvious memeing… from a person who always memes at other memes…

welcome to the club

would you like a newspaper while we wait for the game to reach an actually fun number of players


A newspaper, a cuppa and a fucking lie down.

Call me when we’re actually making progress.

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rings Blue

We’re making progress! We can ring people over forums!