[SFoL] 44: Hand of Byzantium - (7/16) - Game End - The Hand of Byzantium and the Vampiric Emperor won!

Why the hell would you out those kind of thoughts out loud?

It’s because I’m FK

We don’t need two cats here, one’s already hard to handle

first off, your post was really non committal and pinged me a bit, as if you knew he was town but wanted to maybe get a mislynch on them

secondly, this post just pings me even harder for some reaosn :thinking:

you’re also a bit too meme-y imo

But you always need an Fk in your game in order to out strong and dangerous roles early so you won’t die.

what does that mean >.>

hey guys i’m prince

It’s because you are warrior 100% of the time here

I’m tired as shit from eating IHOP pancakes again. It’s less sugar loaded, but I ate too much again

That’s the same thought I had there, hence why I progressed with the n0 cult peek.

Maxi is for sure warrior

no i’m a caster

I wish I’m old enough to drink alcohol right now and it’s not even night yet sigh

I think Squid is subtly answering the aggression we have on them with that comment.

Nice soft.

Me - Arbiter
Maxi - Warrior
Squid - Patron
Frost - GE

Hja - Lost Wolf


This will be ezpz

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btw there are typos in the warrior classcard that alice needs to fix

Like what
