[SFoL] 44: Hand of Byzantium - (7/16) - Game End - The Hand of Byzantium and the Vampiric Emperor won!

But I must say I am very disappointed in you, the only thing you will accomplish is making HoB losing vote power additionally.

Your ability does more harm than help you.

Remember people, Marl wanted Rogue dead but not so anymore.

You are suppose to check him if he’s not converted into cult tonight, worst case scenario I just let a neutral go that helps cult.

Because of their claim.

Why are you shadethrowing day confirmable town?

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He’s a devout king and he’s panicking. Frost is the world’s easiest player to read

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I’m halfway sold on Luxy being converted

So scum king can’t convert tonight

He is not confirnable, read his cult alts.

He can’t use both the gladiate and the usurp

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He can still impeach me to become devout king so no he’s not confirmable.

We talked about this before.

A faction check is needed.

He can’t take both

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I’m not open to letting him be converted

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if we lynch marl then we dont need to chekc him, he has still do do his echancical confirm thing sooo idk

Alice isn’t online

I can send imperial adviser you know however you said yourself that cult can’t convert tonight if they manage to get one N1.

I’m only half sold on the idea.

I’m more open to trying to axe Luxy tonight to confirm if my suspicions were correct

That is good and well, what about Marg?

My neighbor can stall Marg for a while unless they are occ immune, which in that case we are fucked.

Just guard the same person you did last night if you really are GE

Of course.

As soon as alice logs on you’ll see that Marcus will be gladiated