[SFoL] 44: Hand of Byzantium - (7/16) - Game End - The Hand of Byzantium and the Vampiric Emperor won!

LMAO me getting convertedn1 good meme

This doesn’t feel entirely genuine, but eh.

That response was guaranteed regardless of alignment

Maxi claims warrior right


Marcus_Doodalee is on trial. You may decide his fate once he has made a defense.

I will start probably paying attention to the game when I recover from the mash
stressing a f

If this guy is Byzantium we lost



Just to say it officially, I am not a real fan of this. I have no proof at all, but it just feels wrong.

But go ahead, I can’t stop you here.

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I mean we don’t really have any choice, right?

@anon97870008 The options today are lynch Marcus

Lynch me

or Lynch No one

Which do you prefer out of the 3 and why?

I know. I know. I made my point, I have nothing to add. >.>

which of the three would you choose though?

Probably the last one.

Did you think Marcus was Byzantium before I gladiated him?

if so, what makes you think that?

If not, what makes you uncomfortable having him executed today?

@Marcus_Doodalee post a defense or you’re going to be executed for sure.

If you’re town just claim honestly my son :eyes:

( @Alice maybe prod him on discord possibly?)

I am really frustrated that I have not enough experience to point out why, but yes, I think he’s not evil. I really would like to hear his defense.

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is it possible to no lynch?

marcus is dead

If he’s not going to give a defense we’re not letting him off the stand