SFoL 46 - The Agency - [Canned]

Host : NAO
Co-Hosts : Mark , Geyde


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules.
  1. If you haven’t posted in the thread or in your classcard for a while you will be prodded for inactivity. If you don’t respond to that prod in 24 hours , you will be replaced or modkilled.
  2. No angleshooting. This includes any attempt to gain info about the game from external sources.
  3. Do not take pictures or quote host messages.
  4. Do not use big letters.
  5. Do not post in the main thread or like posts if you are dead or not in the game.


Days will be 48 hours long or shorter if someone dies.
Nights will be 24 hours long.
Actions are done by messaging me or my co-hosts.
Night 1 will begin once everyone has confirmed that they have received their class card.
All players that can talk to the dead at night will not have a forum message with the dead unless stated otherwise.
The Double Agents may talk to a forum message including the host and co-hosts at night.
Player names , their classes and their wills will not be shown upon death.
Healing an attack will not notify the attacked player. Being healed will count as being immune to an attack.
Dead players will appear “MIA #Number”. Players that can target the dead without knowing their identity may use this “name” instead.
When you receive a class card you will have 12 hours to reply, confirming you have received it.


To choose an elector you have to say “/elect [player]”.
Electors may choose 2 people that can be executed. Everyone will be notified of the players the elector has chosen. The same person can not be chosen as an electors two times in a row.
All Day Abilities are disabled after an elector has been chosen.
To choose a player to be executed you have to say “/execute [player]
Executions and choosing electors are majority.
Not choosing an elector is an option. However , once the elector has chosen 2 players , the execution is mandatory.

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want.


Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent
Random Agent/Random Bystander
Random Bystander
Random Bystander
Random Bystander
Mercenary/Random Bystander


  1. H_Hjasik
  2. Margaret
  3. Isaac_Gonzalez
  4. fireslol
  5. Possessed
  6. Maxwell
  7. WazzaAzza
  8. JakeTheWolfie
  9. Frostwolf103
  10. Magnus
  11. Gamerpoke
  12. cupcakeaj2
  13. Soulshade55r




:crossed_swords: = Unique

:star: = Conversion Immune

Agent Classes

The Interrogator :crossed_swords: :star:

Agent Killing
Passive (Threatening) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing.
Day Ability (Interrogate) - Choose a person to interrogate tonight.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Execute) - Execute the suspect.(2 Uses - Only Available The Night After A Trial | You will lose all charges of this if you execute an Agent)
I’m the one asking questions here!

The Sharpshooter

Agent Killing
Night Ability (Shoot) - Kill a player.(3 Uses - You will not commit suicide the first time you kill an Agent.)
I’ll be the last thing you see if you mess with me!

The Lone Wolf :crossed_swords:

Agent Killing
Passive (Alone) - Immune to Occupation.
Day Ability (Confidential Documents) - Choose a player. If they leave their home , they will be occupied.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Ambush) - Go on watch tonight. Any players that visit you will be killed.(3 Uses)
You have to be brave to go alone.

The Avenger

Agent Killing
Passive (Revenge) - If you are killed during a trial, the last person that voted you will die. If they weren’t an Agent , you can choose to kill someone at night.
Day Ability (Kevlar Vest) - Become Immune to Death tonight.(1 Use)
Revenge is best served cold.

The Juggernaut

Agent Killing
Day Ability (Not On My Watch) - Kill the player who wasn’t executed on trial. If they were an Agent , all charges of this ability will be lost.(2 Uses - You will kill them at night)
Night Ability (Serve & Protect) - Watch a player. If they are put on trial the next day , reveal the team of the other player on trial.(2 Uses)
Give me a reason not to kill you right now!

The Medic

Agent Defensive
Passive (Trained) - Immune to Poison.
Day Ability (Secret Medkit) - Make your next heal un-bypassable. If your target leaves their home, they’ll be occupied. (2 uses)
Night Ability (Heal) - Heal a player from any attacks. They will be cured from any Poison.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Self-Heal) - Heal yourself from any attacks tonight.(2 Uses)
Anyone need a heal?

The Troublemaker

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Protect) - Protect a player from any attacks tonight. If they get attacked , you and their attacker will die. (3 Uses - Bypasses Night Immunity)
Night Ability (Self-Guard) - If you get attacked tonight , you and your attacker will die.(1 Use - Bypasses Night Immunity)
I’m the only one that will be making trouble.

The Mystic

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Dead’s Heal) - Heal a player. It can’t be bypassed.(0 Uses - 1 Use per 2 dead people)
The Ghosts seem troubled…

The Highwayman

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Stone Wall) - Prevents visits against a player.(Infinite Uses - Can not target the same player twice in a row)
Anyone need a lift?

The Alchemist

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Lethal Dose) - Heal a player. They will be healed every night. The Healing will stop after X nights.(Infinite Uses - X is 5 - Night Number | You can’t use this ability again until your target is dead)
My potions is all you need!

The Boss :crossed_swords: :star:

Agent Support
Day Ability (Reveal) - Reveal your identity. Your vote counts as two. Votes will be hidden from now on. You can no longer be healed.(1 Use)
The only one you should be taking orders from is me!

The Coroner :crossed_swords:

Agent Support
Day Ability (Special Delivery) - Make a player Immune To Occupation and Target Changing tonight.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Resurrect) - Bring a dead player back to life.(1 Use)
Everyone deserves a second chance!

The Criminalist :crossed_swords: :star:

Agent Support
Passive (Company Records) - You will know the classs of players that die.
Night Ability (Tracking) - Select a dead player. You will get a list of X names. One of them is the killer.(Infinite Uses - X=7 - Night Number | X can’t be less than 4)
The Dead have left a lead for us!

The Captain

Agent Support
Day Ability (Call To Arms) - Select a player. That player can not be visited by The Double Agents tonight.(2 Uses)
Day Ability (SILENCE!) - Silence everyone. You may send one message to everyone.(1 Use)
Night Ability (Improved Weapons) - Select 2 players. They will be guaranteed to visit their targets.(Infinite Uses)
Discipline is the key to victory.

The Paranormal Investigator :crossed_swords:

Agent Support
Passive (Anomaly in the Timeline) - You can talk to the dead at night.
Day Ability (Ghost Friend) - Select a dead player. They will become a Ghost. They can choose a player and see the feedback from abilities used on them. They will be removed from dead chat until the next night.(Infinite Uses)
Something’s off here…

The Investigator

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Investigate) - Investigate a player to get a clue to their class.(Infinite Uses - If you use this on the same target , you will get different feedback | After 1 night : You will get a list of 3 class types | After 2 nights : You will get a list of 2 class types | After 3 nights : You will get their exact class type | After 4 nights : You will get their exact class)
*A lead is all I need!"

The Detective :crossed_swords: :star:

Agent Investigative
Passive (Death Record) - You will know the name of dead players.
Night Ability (Check) - Check a player to see if they are suspicious.(Infinite Uses)
You can’t fool me! YOU DID IT!

The Lookout

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Watch) - See how many players visited a player.(Infinite Uses)
I watch from the shadows!

The Exposer

Agent Investigative
Day Ability (Expose) - See the class of a player.(0 Uses - 1 Use is gained after X trials | X = 3 + Number of Uses you have)
Your treachery shall be exposed!

The Profiler

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Examine) - Compare your target with the last one checked to see if they can win with each other.(Infinite Uses)
You seem familiar… Come with me , please.

The Paranoid

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Hide) - Hide in another player’s room. You will know if they left their house. You will be Immune to Death by direct attacks to you. You will die if your target dies.(Infinite Uses)
What was that sound?

The Copycat :crossed_swords:

Agent Power
Night Ability (Train) - Choose a dead non-unique , non-power Agent class and become that class.(Infinite Uses)
Why train to be the best when you can copy the best?

The Newbie :crossed_swords:

Agent Power
Night Ability (Whoops!) - Occupy a player for the night.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (My Bad!) - Use the ability of a player that they used last night on themselves.(2 Uses - You won’t get the feedback of the ability)
How do I use this?

Win Condition for all Agents : Defeat The Double Agents and any Bystanders that seek you harm.

Double Agent Classes

The Hitman (converted from The Sharpshooter)

Double Agent Killing
Night Ability (One Bullet Left) - Kill a player. If you fail to kill them , you will commit suicide.(1 Use)
Make one wrong move and I’ll make sure you never move again.

The Ambusher :crossed_swords: (converted from The Lone Wolf)

Double Agent Support
Passive (Trusted) - You will appear to be visiting The Goon’s target instead of The Goon if you don’t use any night abilities.
Night Ability (Outlaw) - Protect a Double Agent member from dying tonight.(2 Uses)
You fell right into my trap!

The Vengeance (converted from The Avenger)

Double Agent Killing
Passive (Watchful Eye) - If The Goon is executed , kill the other player on stand and become The Revengeful Goon.(You become The Goon that is Immune to Occupation and Redirection. The Kill will be at night.)
*Revenge at last!"

The Steamroller (converted from The Juggernaut)

Double Agent Support
Night Ability (Steamrolled) - Upgrade The Goon’s abilities and passives.(0 Uses - One charge is gained for every successful Goon kill | 1st Kill : Immune to Occupation and Target Changing for one night / 2nd Kill : Immune to Occupation and Target Changing forever / 3rd Kill : Next attack can’t be healed / 4th Kill : Immune to Death for tonight / 5th Kill : Immune to Death forever)
Don’t you EVER mess with me…

The Immobilizer (converted from The Medic)

Double Agent Support
Day Ability (Poison Dart) - “Poison” a player. They will be notified.(1 Use)
Night Ability (Fake Heal) - “Heal” a player. All players who heal him think that they were attacked.(Infinite Uses)
Going somewhere? I don’t think so.

The Accuser (converted from The Troublemaker)

Double Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Clean Escape) - Select a Double Agent member. If they would die tomorrow , the killer will die instead of them.(3 Uses)
I swear it wasn’t me, it was him!

The Pythoness (converted from The Mystic)

Night Ability (Call of The Dead) - Kill a player.(0 Uses - Gain one charge for every 3 people that die)
The Ghosts have a message for you. Hear it yourself!

The Assassin (converted from The Highwayman)

Double Agent Support
Passive (Apprentice) - When you die , The Goon gets another use of their day abilities.
Night Ability (Watchdog) - Prevent visits against a player. Only The Goon will be able to visit them.(2 Uses)
Swift as the wind , hidden in the shadows!

The Poisoner (converted from The Alchemist)

Double Agent Support
Passive (Toxic) - If you use your night abilities on The Goon , they will become Immune to Occupation and Redirection for the night.
Night Abilities (Hallucinogen) - Select a player. They will receive incorrect feedback from their abilites.(3 Uses)
Try one of my potions, any of them!

The Mortician :crossed_swords: (converted from The Coroner)

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Revive) - “Revive” a player. They will be removed from any night chat. You will be able to talk to them.(Infinite Uses - They will be given an ability called “Dead Nightwatch” : Watch a player and see what they do if they had left their house)
Welcome back!

The Chief (converted from The Captain)

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Expert Examination) - Get a player’s exact class type.(Infinite Uses)
This is it! I figured it out!

The Anomaly Detector :crossed_swords: (converted from The Paranormal Investigator)

Double Agent Support
Day Ability (Curses!) - Curse a player.(Infinite Uses)
Day Ability (Anomaly) - The Curses will be activated tonight.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Change the Curse) - Change the Curse Mode.(Infinite Uses | The Curse Of Laziness : Occupy all cursed players OR The Curse of Confusion : Redirect all cursed players to their visitors)
I can feel a paradox…

The Framer (converted from The investigator)

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Framed!) - Frame a player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Ex-Investigator) - Investigate a player. You will get their exact class the next night.(3 Uses)
They did it! I saw it with my own eyes!

The Stalker (converted from The Lookout)

Double Agent Investigative
Passive (Hidden) - You will be alerted if any Investigative classes visit The Double Agents.
Night Ability (Pay Attention!) - See the visits to a player.(Infinite Uses)

The Blackmailer (converted from The Exposer)

Double Agent Support
Day Ability (Red-Handed) - Choose a player and a class. That player will have their class revealed upon death. You will know their real class.(0 Uses - 1 Use is gained after X trials | X = 1 + Number of Uses you have)
One wrong move and your friends will learn about your little secret!

The Consigliere (converted from The Profiler)

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Secret Intel) - Choose 2 players. If they are the same class type , you will be shown one of their classs.(Infinite Uses)
Tell me about yourself.

The Maniac (converted from The Paranoid)

Double Agent Killing
Night Ability (Paranoia) - Hide in another player’s room. You will know if they left their house. If they visit a Double Agent , they will die.(Infinite Uses - 0 Uses after a successful kill)
Muahahaha! Ahaha! Wait , what was I laughing at again?

The Mirror :crossed_swords: (converted from The Copycat)

Double Agent Power
Night Ability (Train) - Choose a dead non-unique , non-power Agent/Double Agent class and become that class.(Infinite Uses)
To be the best , you have to copy the best.

The Professional :crossed_swords: (converted from The Newbie)

Double Agent Power
Passive (Pro) - Immune to Occupation and Redirection.
Night Ability (Whoops!) - Occupy a player for the night.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (My Bad!) - Redirect a player to another player.(3 Uses)
You want a fair fight? Fine! I’ll close my eyes.

The Recruiter :crossed_swords: :star: :shield:

Double Agent Power
Passive (Leadership) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. Immune to Death.
Passive (Burnt Records) - You will appear as an Agent to Investigative classes for the first 3 nights.
Day Ability (Dirty Work) - If there are no Double Agents left , become The Goon.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Recruit) - Recruit a player to the Double Agents.(Infinite Uses - [2 Days Cooldown] - There may only be 3 Double Agents alive at a time.)
Night Ability (Scout) - See the converted class type of a player if they can be converted.(4 Uses)
Join us! We’re the good guys.

The Goon :crossed_swords: :star: :shield:

Double Agent Killing
Day Ability (Poison Darts) - Expose a player to a deadly poison. They will die in 2 nights unless cured.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Attack) - Attack a player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Double Kill) - Attack 2 players.(1 Use)
I was trained for situations like these.

Win Condition for all Double Agents : Defeat The Agents and any Bystanders that seek you harm.

Bystander Classes

The Hired Gun :star:

Bystander Defensive
Passive (Contracted) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing.
Day Ability (Self-Sacrifice) - If any of your targets were to die today , you will die instead.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Back-up) - Protect one of your contracts from Death tonight. You will become Immune to Death tonight.(3 Uses)
As long as I’m here , there’s nothing to fear!
Win Condition : Make sure one of your targets is still alive at the end of the game.

The Pacifist :star:

Bystander Power
Passive (Peace) - If you don’t start a vote and you still vote , you will commit suicide. Immune to Death.
Day Ability (Surrender to Violence) - Choose a player. They will defend you tonight. If you were to die , they would die instead.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Peaceful Approach) - Occupy a player. If they tried to attack someone , they will be occupied the next night too.(3 Uses)
Stop fighting!"
Win Condition : Do not be elected for execution and survive.

The Framed :star:

Bystander Support
Day Ability (Taunt) - Choose a player. If they are executed today, you will be executed instead.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Self-Frame) - Make yourself appear suspicious to Investigative classes tonight.(3 Uses)
Night Ability (Secret Room) - Become Immune to Death tonight.(1 Use)
It wasn’t me!
Win Condition : Get executed.

The Spy :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Investigative
Passive (Communication Errors) - You can talk to The Double Agents at night.
Night Ability (Faulty Source) - Select a player. You will see 3 classes. One of the classes is their class.(Infinite Uses)
I spy with my little eye…
Win Condition : The Double Agents win.

The Battle-Scarred :star:

Bystander Power
Day Ability (Kevlar Vest) - Become Immune to Death tonight.(4 Uses)
I have seen enough. I want peace.
Win Condition : Survive.

The Thief :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Support
Passive (The Grand Heist) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing.
Day Ability (Swift like The Wind) - Occupy a player tonight.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Different Paths) - Choose a way to steal from your target.(Infinite Uses - The Loud Way : You will be seen as visiting the target. You will kill them. / Counter : The Target has left their room. | The Silent Way : You will not be seen as visiting the target. / Counter : The Target was visited by 2 people or more. | The Saboteur Way : All players visiting your target will be occupied. / Counter : [2 Days Cooldown])
Can I borrow that for a moment? Thanks!
Win Condition : Steal from 4 players.

The Brute :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Power
Passive (Prestige) - You will appear as an Investigative class to The Agents.
Passive (Bulletproof) - Immune to Death.
Night Ability (Frame) - Frame your target.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (The Wrong Way) - Redirect a player to your target.(2 Uses)
You no mess with me! I kill you!
Win Condition : Witness your target’s execution.

Mercenary Classes

The Traitor :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Prepared) - Immune to Death.
Day Ability (Threaten) - If you get healed tonight , your healer will die.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Assassinate) - Kill a player, leaving a normal looking body behind. The body will rot in a day, and then the death will be announced. They can no longer talk or vote.(Infinite Uses)
*I’d never betray you!"

The Sniper :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Locked ‘n’ Loaded) - Immune to Death. Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. Your abilities don’t count as visiting.
Passive (Not Worth My Bullets) - You will not attack your target if they can’t die from your attacks.
Day Ability(Poisoned Bullet) - Anyone visiting a player and anyone who the player visits will be poisoned the next day. (2 uses)
Night Ability(Headshot) - Kill a player.(Infinite Uses)
*One shot , many kills."

The Mask :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Masked) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. Immune to Death.
Day Ability (Disguise) - Choose a class type. You will appear as that class type to any Investigative classes.(2 Uses)
Day Ability (The Finale) - Choose a class. You will appear as that class if you were to die.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Transformation) - Kill someone and steal their identity.(2 Uses - You will gain everything that they have talked with the host)
Night Ability (Murder) - Kill a player. If anyone visits them , you’ll be notified.(Infinite Uses)
*One more souvenir added to my collection!"

The Cannibal :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Unbearable Hunger) - Your Power grows with every kill. Death Immune once.
Passive (Unstoppable) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. Immune to Death.(Gained after 2 kills)
Night Ability (Attack) - Kill a player.(Infinite Uses | After 3 kills , the attack can no longer be healed.)
Night Ability (Rampage) - Kill a player and all their visitors.(1 Use | Unlocked after 4 kills. | After 5 kills , this becomes unhealable.)

The Kidnapper :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Unstoppable) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing.
Passive (Hideout) - Your abilities don’t count as visiting. Immune to Death.
Day Ability (Kidnap) - Kidnap a player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Execute) - Execute the kidnapped player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Rush) - Kill a player.(Infinite Uses)
Shhh! Stay quiet!

The Weeper :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Tears of Joy) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. Immune to Death. You will appear as an Agent to Investigative classes.
Night Ability (Stone Gaze) - Turn a player into a statue. Their class and name will not be revealed.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Let’s Play Together) - Turn all players visitng you into statues. Their classes and names will not be revealed.(Infinite Uses - [1 Night Cooldown])
*I just want some friends!"

The Mad Scientist :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive(The Serum of Life) - You’ll be healed the first 2 nights.
Day Ability(Infect) - Choose a player. That player will become Patient 0. They will be notified. (Infinite Uses, can’t use it if you have a Patient 0)
Day Ability(My creations) - Send a message to all of your patients. (Infinite Uses)
*“It’s experimenting time!”

Patient 0 :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive(It moves!) - Occupy Immune, but can be redirected.
Night Ability(Spreading the Plague) - Choose a player. That player will become Patient 1. (Infinite Uses, can’t use it if you have a Patient 1)
Night Ability(Blood!) - Attack a player. (Infinite Uses)
Must obey…

Patient 1 :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Night Ability(Special Treatment) - Occupy a player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability(Master!) - Heal a player from any attacks. They will also be cured of Poison.(Infinite Uses)
…the master.

The Psycho :crossed_swords: :star:

Bystander Killing
Passive (Hatred) - Immune to Occupation , Target Changing and Death twice.
Day Ability (Watch Closely) - Stalk a player. You will get the feedback from their abilities tonight.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Assault) - Attack the player you’ve been watching.(Infinite Uses - Gets stronger every night you haven’t attacked them | After 1 night: Occupies a visitor | After 2 nights: Occupies all visitors | After 3 nights: Occupies and kills all visitors | After 4 nights: Attacks can’t be healed)
Fret not…Fret not…

Win Condition for all Mercenaries : Kill all the members of the main factions.

Feedback is found here.


The Sharpshooter

Agent Killing
Night Ability (Shoot) - “You didn’t shoot X because they were an Agent!” "You committed suicide when you found out X was an Agent

The Avenger

Agent Killing
Passive (Revenge) - “X has been killed by you!” “X(the last person who voted on you) was an Agent so you may not kill again.” “X(the last person who voted on you) wasn’t an Agent so you may kill again tonight.”

The Juggernaut

Agent Killing
Day Ability (Not On My Watch) - “X(the person who wasn’t executed) was an Agent so you have lost all charges of this ability.” “X(the person who wasn’t executed) wasn’t an Agent.”
Night Ability (Serve & Protect) - “X was put on trial today. Y’s team is [teamname].”

The Medic

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Heal) - “You healed X last night.”
Night Ability (Self-Heal) - “You healed yourself last night.”

The Troublemaker

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Protect) - “X was attacked so you gave up your own life to kill their attacker!”
Night Ability (Self-Guard) - “You were attacked last night so you sacrificed yourself to kill your attacker!”

The Mystic

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Dead’s Heal) - “You used the power of the dead to heal X last night.”

The Highwayman

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Stone Wall) - “You prevented visits against X last night.”

The Alchemist

Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Lethal Dose) - “You healed X last night. They will die in Y nights.”

The Boss

Agent Support
Day Ability (Reveal) - “You revealed your identity! Your vote will now count as two. Votes for elections and executions will be hidden from now on.”

The Coroner

Agent Support
Night Ability (Resurrect) - “You brought X back to life last night!”

The Criminalist

Agent Support
Passive (Company Records) - “A [classname] has died last night!”
Night Ability (Tracking) - “X was killed by A/B/C/D/E/F/G!”

The Captain

Agent Support
Night Ability (Improved Weapons) - “You guaranteed X and Y could visit their targets last night.”

The Paranormal Investigator

Agent Support
Day Ability (Ghost Friend) - “You made X a ghost last night!”

The Investigator

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Investigate) - “X could be a(n) Power/Investigate/Defensive | Power/Killing/Support class.” “X could be a(n) Power/Defensive | Power/Support | Killing/Investigative class.” “X could be a(n) [classtype] class.” “X is a(n) [classname]!”

The Detective

Agent Investigative
Passive (Death Record) - “X died last night.”
Night Ability (Check) - “X is suspicious!” “X isn’t suspicious.”

The Lookout

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Watch) - “You watched X last night. Y players visited them.”

The Exposer

Agent Investigative
Day Ability (Expose) - “X is [classname]!”

The Profiler

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Examine) - “You compared X to Y last night. They can/can’t win together.”

The Paranoid

Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Hide) - “X left/didn’t leave their room last night.”

The Copycat

Agent Power
Night Ability (Train) - “You became X’s class last night.”

The Newbie

Agent Power
Night Ability (Whoops!) - “You occupied X last night.”
Night Ability (My Bad!) - “You used the ability X used the night before on X last night.”

The Hitman

Double Agent Killing
Night Ability (One Bullet Left) - “You shot X last night.” “You failed to kill X! You have committed suicide!”

The Ambusher

Double Agent Support
Passive (Trusted) - “You visited The Goon’s target last night.”
Night Ability (Outlaw) - “You watched over X last night.”

The Vengeance

Double Agent Killing
Passive (Watchful Eye) - “You have become The Revengeful Goon!”

The Steamroller

Double Agent Support
Night Ability (Steamrolled) - “You upgraded The Goon’s abilities and passives last night.”

The Immobilizer

Double Agent Support
Day Ability (Poison Dart) - “X will think that they were poisoned.”
Night Ability (Fake Heal) - “You made all people healing X last night think that they were attacked.”

The Accuser

Double Agent Defensive
Night Ability (Clean Escape) - “If X were to die tomorrow , their killer will die instead.”

The Pythoness

Night Ability (Call of The Dead) - “You used the power of the dead to kill X last night.” “X was immune to your attack!”

The Assassin

Double Agent Support
Passive (Apprentice) - “You have died. The Goon will gain another use of their day abilities.”
Night Ability (Watchdog) - “You prevented visits against X last night.”

The Poisoner

Double Agent Support
Passive (Toxic) - “You made The Goon become immune to occupation and redirection last night.”
Night Abilities (Hallucinogen) - “You made X receive incorrect feedback from their abilities last night.”

The Mortician

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Revive) - “You revived X last night!”

The Chief

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Expert Examination) - “X is a [classtype] class!”

The Anomaly Detector

Double Agent Support
Day Ability (Curses!) - “You cursed X!”
Day Ability (Anomaly) - “Your curses will be activated tonight.”
Night Ability (Change the Curse) - “Your curses will now occupy the cursed players/redirect the cursed players to their visitors.”

The Framer

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Framed!) - “You framed X last night.”
Night Ability (Ex-Investigator) - “You investigated X last night. You’ll get X’s class tomorrow.”

The Stalker

Double Agent Investigative
Passive (Hidden) - “X Investigative classes visited The Double Agents last night.”
Night Ability (Pay Attention!) - “X/Y/… visited A last night.”

The Blackmailer

Double Agent Support
Day Ability (Red-Handed) - “X will appear as the chosen class upon death .X’s class is [classname].”

The Consigliere

Double Agent Investigative
Night Ability (Secret Intel) - “X and Y aren’t the same class type.” “X and Y are the same class type! One of their classes is [classname].”

The Maniac

Double Agent Killing
Night Ability (Paranoia) - *You hid in X’s room last night." “X left/didn’t leave their room last night.” “X visited a Double Agent last night so you killed them!”

The Mirror

Double Agent Power
Night Ability (Train) - “You became X’s class last night.”

The Professional

Double Agent Power
Passive (Pro) - “Someone tried to occupy you last night but you are immune!”
Night Ability (Whoops!) - “You occupied X last night.” “X is immune to occupation!”
Night Ability (My Bad!) - “You redirected X to Y last night.” “X is immune to target changing!”

The Recruiter

Double Agent Power
Passive (Leadership) - “Someone attacked you last night but you are immune!” “Someone tried to occupy/redirect you last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!”
Day Ability (Dirty Work) - “You will become The Goon tonight.”
Night Ability (Recruit) - “You recruited X into The Double Agents last night.” “X is immune to being recruited.”
Night Ability (Scout) - “X’s converted class type is [classtype].”

The Goon

Double Agent Killing
Day Ability (Poison Darts) - “You exposed X to a deadly poison.”
Night Ability (Attack) - “You attacked X last night.” “X was immune to your attack!”
Night Ability (Double Kill) - “You attacked X and Y last night.” “X (and Y) was/were immune to your attack!”

The Hired Gun

Bystander Defensive
Passive (Contracted) - “Your contracts are X and Y. Protect them at all costs.”
Day Ability (Self-Sacrifice) - “You will sacrifice yourself to save one of your targets’ lives tonight.”
Night Ability (Back-up) - “You watched over X last night.”

The Pacifist

Bystander Power
Day Ability (Surrender to Violence) - " X will defend you tonight."
Night Ability (Peaceful Approach) - “You occupied X last night.” “X tried to attack someone last night so they will be occupied for 1 more night.”

The Framed

Bystander Support
Day Ability (Taunt) - “You will be put on stand today instead of X.”

The Spy

Bystander Investigative
Night Ability (Faulty Source) - “X is [classname]/[classname]/[classname].”

The Thief

Bystander Support
Passive (The Grand Heist) - “Someone tried to occupy/redirect you last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!”
Day Ability (Swift like The Wind) - “You will occupy X tonight.”
Night Ability (Different Paths) - “You have successfully stole an item from X.” “You didn’t steal anything from your target.”

The Brute

Bystander Power
Passive (Bulletproof) - “Someone tried to attack you last night but you are immune!”
Night Ability (Frame) - “You framed X last night.”
Night Ability (The Wrong Way) - “You redirected Y to X last night.”

The Traitor

Bystander Killing
Passive (Prepared) - “Someone tried to attack you last night but you are immune!”
Day Ability (Threaten) - “You will kill anyone who heals you tonight.” “Nobody healed you last night.” “Someone healed you last night so you killed them!”
Night Ability (Assassinate) - “You have decided to kill X tonight. They will be announced dead in 2 days.”

The Sniper

Bystander Killing
Passive (Locked ‘n’ Loaded) - “Someone tried to attack you but you are immune!” “Someone tried to occupy/change your target last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!”
Passive (Not Worth My Bullets) - “You knew X wouldn’t die from your attacks so you didn’t attack them.”
Day Ability(Poisoned Bullet) - “You have poisoned X. Anyone visiting them and anyone who they visit tonight will be poisoned.”
Night Ability(Headshot) - “You attacked X last night!”

The Mask

Bystander Killing
Passive (Masked) - “Someone tried to occupy/change your target last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!” “Someone tried to attack you but you are immune!”
Day Ability (Disguise) - “You will appear as [classtype] to Investigative classes.”
Day Ability (The Finale) - “You will appear as [classname] upon death.”
Night Ability (Transformation) - “You killed X and stole their identity last night.”
Night Ability (Murder) - “You attacked X last night.” “X was immune to your attack!” “Nobody visited X last night.” “A/B/C… visited them last night!”

The Cannibal

Bystander Killing
Passive (Unbearable Hunger) - “You have gained a new power!” “Someone tried to attack you but you are immune!”
Passive (Unstoppable) - “Someone tried to occupy/change your target last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!” “Someone tried to attack you but you are immune!”
Night Ability (Attack) - “You attacked X last night!” “X was immune to your attack!”
Night Ability (Rampage) - “You went on a rampage at X’s room last night.” "You attacked someone!|

The Kidnapper

Bystander Killing
Passive (Unstoppable) - “Someone tried to occupy/change your target last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!”
Passive (Hideout) - “Someone tried to attack you but you are immune!”
Day Ability (Kidnap) - “You have decided to kidnap X tonight.”
Night Ability (Execute) - “You executed your kidnapped person last night.”
Night Ability (Rush) - “You attacked X last night.”

The Weeper

Bystander Killing
Passive (Tears of Joy) - “Someone tried to occupy/change your target last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!” “Someone tried to attack you but you are immune!”
Night Ability (Stone Gaze) - “You turned X into a statue last night.”
Night Ability (Let’s Play Together) - “You will turn your visitors into statues tonight.” “No one visited you last night.” “You turned someone into a statue last night!”

The Mad Scientist

Bystander Killing
Passive(The Serum of Life) - “You were attacked but The Serum of Life protected you.”
Day Ability(Infect) - “You will infect X at the start of the night.” “X can’t be infected.” “X was successfully infected!”
Day Ability(My creations) - “Send a message to your patients.”

Patient 0

Bystander Killing
Passive(It moves!) - “Someone tried to occupy you last night but you are immune to occupation!”
Night Ability(Spreading the Plague) - “You will infect X at the start of the night.” "X can’t be infected. “X was successfully infected!”
Night Ability(Blood!) - “You attacked X last night.” “X was immune to your attack!”

Patient 1

Neutral Killing
Night Ability(Special Treatment) - “You occupied X last night.” “X is immune to occupation and redirection!”
Night Ability(Master!) - “You healed X last night.” “X was attacked last night but you saved them!” “You cured X’s poison.”

The Psycho

Bystander Killing
Passive (Hatred) - “Someone tried to attack you last night but you are immune!” “Someone tried to occupy/redirect you last night but you are immune to occupation/target changing!”
Day Ability (Watch Closely) - “You will stalk X tonight.”
Night Ability (Assault) - “You attacked X last night.” “X has lived for another night. Your power has grown.”

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Any questions shall be asked here before you receive your class cards.

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Wonder who approved of this tho :thinking:

Even Nao gets approved faster than I

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Who’s Mark? :upside_down_face:

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That’s not me. :thinking:

Its you it Says solic

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This thing is Mark.


Oh hi Mark!


I knew you’d do that lol


boi is that a reference to a certain movie


Isn’t this way too short? It looks like you need to figure out who even died last night, then choose an elector (with majority), then elector must choose, and then to vote someone to actually lynch them - all in just 12 hours?

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I mean, it’d probably be fine if the way to lynch wasn’t that roundabout.

It depends on when we start.

So… does that mean that normally dead players can talk and vote?

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Did you get this reviewed by Geyde or Eevee? That’s a requirement to have it be hosted.

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I got what you meant by that, no they can’t talk. We’ll remove it, thanks for pointing it out!
