SFoL 46 - The Agency - [Canned]

Also, the way the voting system is set up, F3 is almost unwinnable for wolves if there’s a SINGLE confirmed villager, which is yet more brokenness considering there is almost always a confirmed/consensus villager alive at F3 unless the villagers have seriously fucked up.

Essentially, the voting system is incredibly swingy since it’s based not just on the collective skill of the village as a whole but also the individual skill of the villager who gets the ability to choose the lynch. You’re gating the likelyhood of a lynch hitting a wolf behind two seperate “skill checks” while at the same time making the consequences for mislynches far worse.

By the way, if the wolves really really really really suck they can lose Day 2
So that’s another bit of fuel on the swinginess fire

Err, really?
What if there’s a Kidnapper?

Or heck, they don’t even have to suck. They could just get unlucky, hit a neutral Night 1 and have their goon peeked and their Recruiter wolfread.

Kidnapper isn’t a wolf, they’re a serial killer.

Oh. So basically Wolf are screwed? Who cares?

Solic, can I ask you a question?

Nobody wants to play a setup where the wolves are screwed.

A brief moment of silence for the fact the wolves have a practical maximum of 4 members in a game with 20 players.

Kind of seems like they still suck in that scenario. Also that can happen in current FoL too now. :smile:

oh good can we remove that please?

You can always ask questions.

So how do they talk?

Can I have a title?

Oh wait, the Recruiter is a power, so they could just be peeked as power and have nothing to do but claim Copycat or Newbie and hope they don’t get CC’d!

The wovles can lose Day 2 with pretty much NOTHING they can do about it.

haha, I did not expect that. No. Sorry.

Votes for elector or Lynch?

There is no full type checker on night 1. Earliest is night 3. At least read the things the town can do before you declare a setup as unwinnable for scum.

sigh Then they claim a type not among those 3 class types, and your point is still fucking stupid.

Solic, stop justifying obviously bad setups by being pedantic. I have looked at this setup too many times and I can NEVER not explain to everybody why it’s broken in so many ways.