SFoL 46 - The Agency - [Canned]

Stop saying everything’s a problem

Sabotage. Wow. Thanks dude.

This is my first game and you sabotage me. Thanks.

If you come back with this game being actually balanced, I won’t try to stop other people from joining, but it’s not balanced.

You can just sign up to be a reviewer if you want to actively do this. This is very unkind to Nao and you’re not going to convince him of anything with the tone that you hold now.


I’m planning to, seeing that this somehow got passed.

I know this may not be balanced but that doesn’t mean you have to sabotage me.

People will join because they want to play.

You can’t expect people to be as experienced as you.

Balanced setups cannot get through review, especially if they’re swingily unbalanced like this one.

Would you feel satisfied if the game ended extremely quickly through a series of night actions cornering the wolves with almost no actual wolfreading or skiled play being demonstrated by the villagers?

Please. Shut up. You made some fair points when you started but now you’re being really annoying.


I am still making fair points. You have to accept that this game is extremely likely to go a way that will dissapoint both you and the players based on how many different scenarios there are that are disasterous for the game.

To be frank, I think that the “not knowing who died” mechanic is actually very interesting, but the way the game is set up means it’s functionally just irritating for both sides and can’t realistically be exploited without a specific PR to do so.

In other words, with a lot of work on the actual roles and a few setup rules, I think this setup could certainly work.

I apologise if I came across as nitpicky, but the setup in its’ current form honestly shouldn’t be allowed to run without all its’ players knowing that they’re signing up for something that is very probably unbalanced.

Now you apologize?! Are you for real?

I am aware of my incredibly quick temper. If you want to make out that me admitting my own faults is somehow an insult to you, then so be it.

You acted like I’m the only one with flaws.

Like everything is flawed.

Incorrect. I acted like the setup was incredibly and brokenly flawed and I stand by that.

I may not necessarily agree with that but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Now can you please not do this again

If you want me to go away from FoL , just say so.