SFoL 46 - The Agency - [Canned]

Sorry everyone for the inconvenience but this will be canned.


This will not be the last time you see me :eyes: disappears into darkness

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is mega sad

You can pre-in for my next game(whenever that will be).

have a cookie :cookie:

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/pre in and take the cookie

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have a diamond :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

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:cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

/take them all

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/pre in

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It’s dead jim


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/Pre in and steals cookies.

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/pre in
Wanna try new things.

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Wait , that’s illegal.

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Fine! /manufactures and imports cookies over the borderline.
Oh, and yeah, /prein. also important.

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