SFoL 46 - The Agency - [Canned]

Correction, if I was a mod there will be no users on this forum

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You said it. Not me.

I didn’t say it lmao

Incorrect. Litten’s balance standards are pretty much standard across every other Mafia site, actually.

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Then why isn’t he on the balance group.

because why should i

because he has a short attention span and a limitless capacity for chaos?

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Alright , I will ask you very carefully.
Do you want to join?
If yes , do say so.
If no , please leave.

Basically lmao

We’re allowed to explain why your setup is bad.

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Yes , you can. But at least help me improve it when he did not.

I told you the main problem here

You could do it yourself if you looked at would this class be fun and if it isn’t what would make it fun

If I delete it , more frameds would appear.

Playing NK is not fun Lets remove NK

Tbh remove Framed as well.

Playing King is not fun let’s remove it too

Don’t delete it, look at the fun meter of the class. If it’s below 7 fix it to make it a 10 by adding abilities that are balanced.


I disagree