[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Yeah thats fine, but certain inactives even though they did post Day 1 like you and Italy for instance didnt really bring much at all Day 1 that I considered you guys not really posting. Frost on the other hand I think is the swap and hasnt posted either days

Okay so I have to do some chores but ill explain my pushes before that. I belive I have pushed Tele, Ozz, and Jgoe? Did I forget anyone @DatBird

I think those were the main three pushes today and I think u did push on all of them @Vulgard was there any other pushes that u remember SirDerps on?

Thatā€™s alright I just canā€™t help being busy, also I feel like weā€™d get more pure reads if we pushed on inactives a little later personally, generally I donā€™t care for day 1ā€™s as much but I would of posted a little more just generally busy that day.

I just rather have more genuine reads appear then obviously ā€œlol your pushing me for being active lets be active!ā€

Sure pushing inactives like I said is good but give them ample time to respond otherwise we are going to have a mix between genuine people who can be inactive but were buys and people who are just going to try to be active to avoid lynch for now

*Pushing me for being inactive.

yup exactly I know people have lifes thats why u have til EOD to get me some reads,

If Iā€™m going to post reads I want it to be informed and useful, I generally donā€™t like people asking me for reads because I used to go with popular reads if I have to rush it

honestly kai is sus, rational people wouldnā€™t yolo a redcheck on someone sus.
Then again, ā€œrationalā€

nah I agree with the reaction test

What do you mean. What made his check a yolo, and why was it rational?

he dropped it, apparently claiming he was just testing ozz, no rational BD would make a test like that, thereā€™d be so many other ways to pressure someone.


so you think hes scummy for it then, why arent you voting him then?

I disagree with this, Fol pushing works in many ways I feel like scum wouldnā€™t rationally do something like that either if thatā€™s your point

because I have no idea how /vote Kai_5

so now that we have a SR from you, who is the three towniest people in your opinion and who would be on a Kai scumteam remember it could be three a team atm?

okay so first Tele.

So I was pretty confused by the way they were acting D1. From the past games with them it just seemed I dont know, off. I did an ISO during the night to see if I could get a better read on them. (I know it might not have been the best, still learning) I had them as pretty heavily scum read. I posted it a few min into day if I remember so It would have been hard to fabricate it that fast. Thay claimed Preist pretty soon after. Iā€™m pretty sure I was one of the fist few to say we should let them prove themselves.

So before the redcheck thing I had a null read on ozz, they were someone I was planning on watching more closely today. I pushed on them because a pally outed and said they had a red check on them. Is their a reason I shouldnā€™t belive redcheck like that? I didnā€™t think that something like that could be a test and go for that long. It also didnā€™t make sense for them to suicide check someone. Once I realised corax does actually have a frame I was a little more heasatant but the chances of someone being framed n1 abd checked by a pally? Not high so I though we were going to take the check. Then it was fake and I was suprised tbh.

Unless im incredibly wrong, that was a reaction test for ozz and or marshal. When they started voting him like that doing a 100% 180 I was sure that it hard to be a test to see how they would react to it.

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I strongly disagree with your reasoning personally

but Iā€™ll let you push kai see how things go for now

so why are you voting jgoes, because its a test?