[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Oh no I cant type I meant 75 percent town, my apologies

Thought so, I was just clarifying.


DatBird: ā€œI trust Kai, heā€™s 75% scum. Thatā€™s not a lot.ā€

Interesting to note there is a reasonable amount of resistance to the Kai lynch.

I messed up :pouting_man:

Luxy whatā€™s ur opinion on Hja, their plays today has really made me scumread them how about you

Oi! It was my wagon!!! /s

Town Hja for now

Centuries pointed out before how Kai is the type of player who is emotional and hard to lynch as a result because AtE is a thing. I believe this is at play here.
Of course that might just be one side of the coin and the other side is Cult alignment :slight_smile:

Scum Hja wouldnā€™t point out extra evidence to condemn Kai in my book. At the very least, Kai and hja are different teams.

I forgot which wagon I was on.

I might have missed this bit, I was kinda salty on them avoiding questions earlier

I think I donā€™t want to be on any wagons since Iā€™m going to sleep and I donā€™t want to put anyone closer to lynch. It might be used against me if itā€™s a mislynch.

Look, hjasik is not going to respond to questioning regardless of alignment.

/unvote just in case

To-do list:

  • lurker analysis
  • spicy case on a certain someone (?)

Itā€™s the actions he makes of his own free will which allow you to read him.

Yeahā€¦ and that annoys the shit out of me

Hjas a she btw

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AtE is in my bag of tricks as itā€™s in my wheelhouse in how to weasel out of a vote in ORGs

imma prob go to sleep so goodnight yall