[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I think its weird but I mean Kyo the knight did pretty much the same thing

I think I already explained why I suspect Kai, but itā€™s mostly because I find the whole Kai vs Ozz thing at the start of the day very weird and suspicious, and it feels planned to me. Kai also dropped out pretty quickly when there was a third Paladin claim. When they were getting more suspicion on them, they suddenly started suspecting each other again.

what do you think about Kai, Jake?

When did you say this?

whats your opinion on Kai?

I might not have, but I thought I did.

These are from FoL23. Jake is a lot more angry when being scumread here.

and he waited a lot longer before claiming didnā€™t he?

Geyde, who was the player he replaced, had already claimed.

I think.

oh I was talking about NFoL I donā€™t remeber from FoL23 xd

Yeah, he said to use an example from a game that wasnā€™t NFoL

Use a game where I was in full control then and not forced into a position by virtue of replacement.


Not from NFoL, as thatā€™s the 1st example.

what others have you been in

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I didnā€™t play any other games with you (or at all) so I donā€™t know what other games you were in.

black flag nightless is a classic jake-gives-up game as town.

FoL 22

also do you have any scum games I can look at