[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Hja lmao

Soā€¦more comprehensive plan that we should follow imo

  1. We lynch Jake
  2. Whether he flips BD or Cult shouldnt matter too muchā€¦ I would still turn my suspicion to Kai/Derp/Ozz
  3. Now that I think about it, Jgoes hard defending Jake is kinda weird. Makes sense if Jake flips BD or Cultā€¦ could be seen as trying to save a scumpal or trying to buddy them up. We could look into thisā€¦ I thought this was kinda BDish at first as I was nearly certain that Jake was scum and that Jgoes wouldnt defend such an obvious scum
  4. Wazza/Derp/Kai/Dat/Hja should be jailed (i prefer Derp/Kai). Also Prince, remember to tell your jailee if the Prince said they burned executions or not. You can do so as well Tele.
  5. Everyone else follow the night plan given by the one and only Arete. Hope that 10 people donā€™t die.
  6. Depending on results, we should probably get claims from the pool of Dat/Hja/Wazza/Derp/Jgoes and move on from there.

Also, I have a question for Vul, but I need to find the post first.

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Imo heā€™s a bad target because I think heā€™s Corax Invoker, it might be wrong, but itā€™s better to be sure youā€™re going to kill scum than attacking scum that can selfheal.

Well maybe if you considered that Iā€™m a human and I do human things like sleep, forget, and do stuff outside of the internet, then it would make sense why I wasnā€™t active. Pull your head out of your ass.

I should be willing to claim tomorrow without a doubt

This is oddly specific, why that in particular?

you had two and a half days to be active jake, thats not an excuse

Youā€™re in a game full of humans and youā€™re one of the least active ones.

Do an ISO of Soulshade and see how many posts come up.

Where can Corax invoker self heal? arent they they redirection one

Oh fuck youre right lemme just unvote CFD guys time to get soul

Wait! Me too!

king gt soul!

20 min later

King being afk


My final words before I leave:

Soulshade hasnā€™t been active. Like, at all. But you have only been pushing on me because of my king post.

Actually these questions is best left unasked atm IMO. Iā€™ll drop it in my journal in case I die because I do want Vul to answer these questions.

@Soulshade55r any more to them reads at all?

Dw Jake I been pushing on them a good bit

we pushed you first because you were a bit sus in some people eyes (me included) you didnā€™t react in a way I thought was bd, so I continued to push you.