[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

At this point I might reevaluate literally all of my reads because nothing seems to make perfect sense to me this game.

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Wondering if I should just delete everything and treat d3 as d1 for my reads, see where that gets me.

I need to look at the Cult classes now because I just assumed one was Tol cult the other was Fol cult

I kinda want to push Napoleon today. Thoughts?

for lols?

No, because I think heā€™s


I donā€™t think heā€™s one of my top scumreads, I do think itā€™s fairly plausible that heā€™s a convert based on the difference between his D1 and D2.

Iā€™m going to bed soon, I have to get up early tomorrow.

I exist.

This is slightly very off-topic, but Iā€™m not sure if I like multiball games at all.
Maybe Iā€™m just salty because I canā€™t figure anything out and feel out of my element, maybe I wouldā€™ve felt that way no matter what game I played because Iā€™m coming back after a while. But thereā€™s just something so off about this whole thing. Nothing seems to make sense and Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m still capable of making decent reads.
I apply my typical logic which isnā€™t great but hopefully itā€™s better than nothing and yet it doesnā€™t seem to work out. I BD read a couple of people correctly but thatā€™s about it. They were pretty obvious BD in my eyes anyway.

To come back to the game, it means Iā€™m pretty open to possibilities and new directions.
I would say this game should be solved by PoE but considering we probably have 6 scum right now thatā€™s not going to be an easy task.
But Iā€™ll try.

Who is consensus BD?

This is the sort of analysis I like.
If your theory about Arete being the N1 convert is right @Teleology then Arete/ Napoleon are probably not same team at least, agree/disagree?

Me, Teleo for sure.
In dead chat we think Marshal is BD.

What a question to ask after 2 people got converted.

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Who are your top two townreads and your top two scumreads at the moment?

You can tell Iā€™m grasping at straws because I have no idea how to solve this game and itā€™s driving me nuts.

Thatā€™s pretty much my BD core plus King.
I would throw Hja in there but Iā€™d really love her to be more helpful.
I still trust Luxy.
Ozz isā€¦ difficult. Iā€™m on the fence on this one.

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I still think Ozz is scum (Hence my vote).
Justā€¦ Something in my gut is screaming at me to not let go.

The rest are pretty much not my BD core. Even the lurkers / LHF I read as BD. I initially read Jake as scum and only started to flip my read after his outburst.

Marshal = Town. NMC.
SoulShade55r = Drunk. Town. NMC.
Alice = Scum (Mithras 2nd/3rd). Hit Jail N2. NMC.
Kai_5 = Hunter. Town.
Napoleon = Not converted N1 (Ozz). Scum (Mithras CL).
Arete = NS N1 (Italy). Town or converted N1. (Guessing Mithras 3rd).
Luxy = Town or converted N2.
SirDerpsAlot = Scum (Corax ?). NMC.
Italy = Paladin. Town. NMC.
WazzaAzza = Scum (Corax ?).
Jgoesgaming = Town. Bled D3 (Kai).
Vulgard = Town. NMC.
Centuries = GOOD KING.
Teleology = Me (Priest).
Magnus = Hunter. Town.
OzzKozz = Paladin. Town. Prevented N1 on Napoleon.
H_Hja = Town.

  • Mystic/Apostle N2 (Vul + I).
  • Butler/Invoker N1 (Ozz).

Iā€™m not sure about that @PokemonKidRyan , I think Arete is smart enough to not totally TR their scum mates of they are scum.