[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Right now I’m at about 80/15/5 on reaction test/frame/Ozz is actually lying scum respectively, I was putting reaction test as higher before but at this point Ozz probably should have, you know, told people it was a reaction test so we could avoid wasting the rest of the day on it.

I am also paladin and have redcheck on arete

I’m outed, why did you ping me?

Are you serious with this or is it another reaction test?

Za mystic

I am serious why do you think I stopped tunneling day 2

So like

The thing about being you is that even when you say you’re serious, you aren’t consistently telling you the truth about whether you’re serious.

Well now I am telling truth

…I mean, that’ll change my estimates to closer to 65/32/3 (okay, the 32 wa basically just to make the numbers add up) but I’m still not convinced that wasting the day on a reaction test is a good use of time.

Then why did you put 62% to it


Because I think it’s less likely that both of you would simultaneously do a reaction test like this, but not that much less likely because you make a lot of weird plays.

Don’t forget the sf’ed dude

So you are to 65% accusing us of wasting day

Eh, reaction tests aren’t totally a waste, I just feel like this one has probably run its course and I’d like to get back to actual gamesolving.

So you are doing 65% omgus

Interesting. If Hja is claiming paladin too then I would love to see their N1 logs. Can you share?

That’s not what OMGUS is

It is accusing accuser since you accused both of us to 65% it means you did 130% omgus wich Is even worse than just omgus

Obviously datbird as green