[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Possibly corax cult/bd as mithras gets priority, think he would have known this if he was mithras cult.

Shooting a silent is NAI, removes a null. Possible shade throwing onto Magnus here for his shot. I as well said I didn’t like it but didn’t scumread him for it

More pushing on magnus, scum motivation here would be to go “look he didn’t answer my questions!” and try to push him on that. That’s what i would i have done.

trying to seem townie by refusing a town read unless its well done.

More subtle shade onto Magnus, slotting the possibility that they’re scum first as people might just read the first part of the sentence and not read the rest. Knowing people here that could be possible.

More trying to derp clear himself. I can see a newb!scum thinking “oh, scum would know if they had X ability so i’ll ask in thread if they have X ability so people don’t think im scum!”

why wouldn’t you share it right away? This just boggles me. I am aware he did share it but it just looks as if its desperate for town cred so he shared it once prompted.

more attempting to derp clear himself

this is part 1 of ??? of the derps ISO, this is mostly d1 and early d2. expect more later as im on the verge of passing out.

ill get up early tommorow to finish this up

I don’t like that both Kai and Alice are onboard with this lynch, but if Kai is town Derp is 90% scum.

Do cleanse me, but I am not the best check. Even if I was theoretically converted, we are looking for starting cult so that we can get them on lockdown and worry about converts after we successfully lynch a CL and know who the other one is in reserve. I am still town and mostly checking me is just wasting a night. Also I like how scum are pushing the narrative that I am converted because I am one of the only town members that is trying to gamesolve…

Possibly the more “Towny” wolves are pushing for your lynch? Probably not the ones that started it — Check those throwing fuel onto the flame.

Alice and Kai both did, and they are in the PoE.

Remember that the options we have for MCL is narrowed down to like 3 options:


Why Mithras?

Other people have been confirmed by redirection/jail/occupation/checks to not be MCL

Since they converted and eraded successfully N1 and N2

I find it concerning that some people are excluding everyone on that list from their scum reads, because one of them has to be…

@SirDerpsAlot what’s your opinion on Jgo?

Oh well this is the original post. Maybe we’ve overlooked the fact that Jgo isn’t exactly cleared. I think he is more likely to be CCL, but I digress.
Luxy is mechanically confirmed not to be… Ozz isn’t either since he was occupied N1.



I strongly don’t think it’s magnus and it’s probably not Hja either. Just reevaluating my original post to make sure I wasn’t overlooking a possibility

At this point Kai or Derps is scum, and I would rather not gamble on it for the time being. So my vote is going to remain on Insanity because I think they are Mithras CL.

If we are lynching them, Prince should jail Alice, Soul should HH Kai, and Arete should HH Derps. If there’s a Butler or Obs those would also be good targets. Paladins should WiFoM between those two or other reads that might be more null (e.g. Hja or Jgo). In theory Alice is the starting second Mithras cult so there shouldn’t be any converts, but cleanse at your discretion. I would prefer to be linked with Marshal tonight. King, do your thing. I wouldn’t heal Jgo until he starts giving a good reason to heal him. Wazza, I want you to heal me or WiFoM with your TRs. Other protectives on Wazza or WiFoM TRs. I will probably use Sulit to try to heal someone as well, and ofc I will get the info from Dat about the check on Alice.

I am going to sleep, but I will be awake in about 5 hours. I will try to get home from school quickly, but I might not be here for the EoD…

I’ve been more quiet/less active because of school, sorry about that.

I’m going to sleep, I should be on in 9ish hours.

Accused Voters Votes
Kai_5 Jgoesgaming, Vulgard, Luxy, WazzaAzza, Magnus, H_Hja 6/9
SirDerpsAlot Alice, Kai_5 2/9
Alice Arete 1/9
Insanity Teleology, Ozzkozz 2/9

Just vote kai

Whenever I come to this thread I have to immediately leave.

Bye y’all I got school for once. When I get back, if the day isn’t over I’m going to post my reads.

See you in 9ish hours

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Almost forgot, happy birthday!