[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

If that helps, a lot of entrances seem sketchy but maybe I’m just paranoid

Just SRs work. Who are you SR’ing ATP?

It’s good to see you finally posting because I wanted to read you for the longest time.

I’m SRing way too many people for it all to be true unless I have godly reads this game (which I doubt).

For now the SRs in my doc are:

  • Arete
  • Ozz
  • Tele

I also have a tinfoil theory they’re on the same scumteam, but I need to multi-ISO them to figure that out. I haven’t had the chance to do that yet.

Kyo seemed really sketchy to me but I like his recent posts. Like I said before, I feel like scum would’ve tried to change the logic or abandon it because they’re being scumread for it. Kyo flat out doesn’t seem to care and I read that as BD-like.

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Also I keep asking what pinged people so hard that Jgoes is being read as scum by at least 2 people because I don’t see it. And trust me, I looked.

alice isn’t it late for you why are you not asleep

For Kyo I’m kind of TR’ing him for being so adamant with his ideas and focusing the conversation on ideas rather than defend himself. Looks to me more like a flailing BD than scum.

Kind of disagree with Arete a bit as their posts look organic even if they aren’t arriving at any conclusions. Last SFoL I hosted their posts were very agenda-y and their progression was terrible, so basically just read them by how they’re making their reads.

Tele’s basically my biggest concern rn.

I basically have written my reads down in my logs and this is pretty much my main thoughts on Tele.



Probs the first scum ping I got here. Not liking how they are over-explaining themselves in this case, while them talking about the king looks way too much like the reasonable wolf archetype.


Absolutely hating this hedge, tbh. Though, not really that strong of a read as the King’s a traitor if W, so hedging here isn’t as a major wolftell as tele would have hedged onto another player.


Still not liking Tele. Why not further probe into Jake rather than assume something like this? The lack of concern over Jake’s alignment is… concerning.


Really disliking how Tele has just assumed Jake’s alignment so easily yet again.


Progression looks iffy as hell here.


The hedging here is insane, though. Really not liking Tele’s entire ISO rn as they were far more decisive in every game I’ve seen them in.


Okay, why did the thoughts of Magnus being a CL that can bleed to “confirm” himself didn’t pass through Tele? This reeks of a perspective slip.


Probs not accepting anything shorter than a jail/channel/link.

Not liking Jgo either, tbh.

So far he really isn’t interacting with anyone here and looks flightly. Kind of see that he has a chance of being a Cultist going UTR.

It’s 3:45 AM here and I can’t sleep lol.

Wich post are you reffering to here


Repeatedly claiming scum and then basically telling PKR off. He’s basically BD or a Cultist with huge balls.

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Good point about Arete.
I’ll take another look at Jgo but I think I’ll just leave that read until later.


Actually I should probably give my full read on Tele now that we’re discussing him/her.

Tele’s entrance was bad in my opinion, a whole series of bad posts. Doesn’t seem to progress anything. I haven’t said this yet but the Jake ‘scumslip’ feels weird to me. It doesn’t feel like a scumslip even though I see why people think that.

Tele is one of the people who called it out super quickly. Might’ve been a bid for towncred?

What’s up gamers reading up I was somewhere else that is important and everything anyway reading up

I’m reading Jake BD as the same manner that I’m reading Kyo BD. When people started going at him for it instead of defending himself or waiting it to pass he kept defending his own dumb idea that was pretty much common sense that we’d see SvSs here. I think he’s BD as well for this focus.

Tele… yeah. Pretty much what I said above. Not liking their lack of skepticism so far as well.


Speaking of Jake, am I the only one who detested this post?

Read on kai?

Nullish BD. I have a really decent read on all the players who’ve posted but you, Marshall, Kai, and Dat.

I liked Dat’s entrance, though he’s been trending downwards since then.

I might’ve detested it if I didn’t mindmeld with it. Felt like PKR was laying bait for scum to jump on the read. He did this one more time in the thread.

Kind of having mixed thoughts on PKR rn. That post reeked scum!PKR all over it but at the same time I liked his emotional response to Ozz’s scumclaiming.

Did you think his bait was succesful?

Not really because Kyo was already calling Jake out and I’m reading Kyo BD as of right now. They posted at nearly the same time though so I’m not sure if the timing of the bait is scum indicative.
That’s a very good line of questioning from you though. I need to reevaluate that read. I’m still open to scum!PKR, I just have his previous games in mind where he had much worse entrances as scum (recalling this from my memory).

Thoughts on Sulit, Hjasik, and DatBird? Rn they’re basically my weakest reads. I have some meta on them all and the first and third are feeling a bit more underwhelming than average.