[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Current draft day/night plan:

  • Lynch Ozz
  • he’s not going to flip scum but if he does Soul’s going to target me
  • if he flips town and there’s no bounty I deb Soul into Jgoes or vice versa
  • if the bounty goes off then we lynch Soul
  • Luxy links me and literally anyone, ideally Hja or Joges
  • if we assume Italy is N4 convert then Magnus is lock BD at this point, Hja is lock BD, Jgoes is mech confirmed, Luxy is mechconfirmed IF they link, so I deb Tele if I’m linked and Luxy if not
  • If Italy was actually N2 convert then Hja and Jgoes will still be lock BD, with Magnus/Tele/Luxy all possible N4 converts
  • Hja and I should agree on someone NOW as a target for after we lynch Ozz and Soul, Hja will barrier them (NOT ICE WARD, SHE SHOULD USE MAGICAL BARRIER) and so when I deb the CL into them they’ll be protected
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Vul and Tele I think.


Are you saying you were linked?

ah ok


vul logs says he wasnt

Vulgard and i were linked together N5


Vul’s logs don’t comment either way, so I was agreeing with you at first before Tele clarified, but for Tele to be lying Tele and Luxy would need to be a scumteam and we know there’s a scum in Ozz/Soul.


So? Vulgard just didn’t update their logs.

Well he was Idk what you want me to tell you

vul has italy in linked but not tele

Also I want feedback on this plan, if there exists a failure mode besides some sort of god-tier Ozz/Soul gambit I want to know what it is so I can account for it.

That was N4.

The only way ozz can’t be scum is if I debbed them into italy and a Rit hid them but that would be Arete would be scum, I highly doubt this idea but I’m just mentioning it

yes and he has N5 logs and no link in it

Also the only rit I could see is Hja and Arete and Hja have been against each other

Not my fault he didn’t put it in his logs. Luxy can confirm who was linked

No way both tele and luxy are cult and are faking links we know theres already scum in ozz (or me)