[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

What if bounty got redirect by invoker

Thatā€™s possible, but if Soul was the redirector, that would mean CL attacked one of their own.

Is the Invoker youā€™re imagining here me or Soul? Because in neither case can a bounty have been debbed off of BD!Ozz, but for different reasons.

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(I have a claimed redirect on Ozz, so assuming heā€™s BD I was redirecting him and not interfering with the bounty; meanwhile, if Soul is Invoker who redirected a real bounty off of BD Ozz then there just actually arenā€™t any CL suspects left.)

Iā€™m going to sleep now, if you all decide to Hammer Part 1/? Ozz while Iā€™m asleep be sure someone reposts the nightplan (in case thereā€™s no bounty and/or Ozz is somehow scum). See you all tomorrow.

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz SoulShade55r, Jgoesgaming, Teleology, Luxy 4/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Arete, Ozzkozz 2/5

ā€¦okay, apparently Iā€™m not asleep yet. @Teleology, if Ozz dies and flips scum, use Vul to heal Jgoes tonight so that we can be absolutely sure nothing goes wrong with the thunderdome-me-and-Soul plan.

Now Iā€™m going to sleep.

Iā€™m lowkey tempted to hammer Ozz right now, since weā€™ve decided heā€™s the (first) lynch, but Iā€™d rather allow for more discussion if we want it


/Unvote Before it gets quick hammered

From which night?

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz Jgoesgaming, Teleology, Luxy 3/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Arete, Ozzkozz 2/5
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Interestingā€¦ Need more time to discuss this is what you want before the day ends after lynching me? You and Jgoes reevaluating your plan? /s

Youā€™re going to lose, Scum.

No u

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz Jgoesgaming, Teleology, Luxy 3/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Arete, Ozzkozz 2/5

Soul, this looks awfully suspicious of you. You know that the PoE is narrowed down to you and I and you know that I am going to flip BD. Why are you unvoting me? Do you need more time to discuss your weak plan with Jgoes before the day ends?

I donā€™t know why he unvoted either, we already have a nightplan that accounts for both a you/Arete scumteam and a Me/Soul scumteam.

They even have contingencies for other stuff as well. Soul is screwed.