[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

/vote Ozzkoz @anon97870008 @Solic

everyone stop talking while we wait to find out if this ends the day


Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz Jgoesgaming, Teleology, Luxy, Soulshade55r, Arete 5/5
Arete H_Hja 1/5
SoulShade55r Ozzkozz 1/5

Ozzkozz has been lynched. They were:

The Paladin

Blue Dragon Investigative
Cleanse (Day) - The player you target with Test of Faith will also be immune to conversion tonight. - 2 uses
Test of Faith (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Cult. - Infinite uses
Smite (Night) - If anyone attacks you tonight, you will kill them. Bypasses night immunity. You will be immune to death and conversion while doing this. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Corax and Mithras Cults.

They left the following logs:

Ozzkozz' Logs

N5 - Test Vulgard = Target was changed, target is not suspicious


The first D5 votes:
Soul | Ozz, Jgoes, Vul
Ozz | Soul, Kai, Luxy, Mag
Hja | Arete

Mid day the votes:
Soul | Ozz
Ozz | Kai, Luxy, Mag, Vul
Hja | Arete
Arete | Hja
I was reading all votes against me as town except Kaiā€¦

Final votes of D5 were:
Ozz | Kai, Mag
Kai | Arete, Vul, Ozz, Hja, Tele, Luxy

Italy did not vote at all on D5

Jgoes, Arete, Hja never voted me on D5.
Soul is 100% cult, but I think their convert is likely in Magnus, Tele, Vulgard, and Luxy.
Tele should be easy to prove based on getting dead people to confirm information to her, but this also could already be a set up to"prove" her as bd.
Magnus canā€™t really be proven. We should have got their logs from N4.
Luxy is the easiest to prove unless their confirmation comes from two cult members.

Soul is definitely cult.

A bounty triggers!

Day 6 continues on and a second lynch is possible.

With 8 players alive, majority is still 5.

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Well, I definitely wasnā€™t expecting this, but cool, Iā€™m now confirmed BD.

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/Accuse Soulshade


Sorry Ozz

@Soulshade55r explain?

I apologize too, Ozz.

Votes reset by the way.

Okay hereā€™s the problem thoughā€¦ who the heck is Soulā€™s scum partner?

Cool, Soul is lockscum and Jgoes is 10000 percent town. Now all we need to do is find the convert and we should be good.

@Emilia Barrier Jgoes tonight, theyā€™re going to be my test dummy for redirecting CL suspects into since they 100 percent canā€™t be CL even after the Soul lynch.

Accused Voters Votes
Soulshade55r Teleology 1/5

Well, we have about 43 hours to figure that out.

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@Luxy Link me with Tele tonight. I have some concerns about the possibility of her being Soulā€™s scum partner and she can definitively prove herself as not that by getting answers directly from dead chat.

@Dead chat if Tele turns out not to be in dead chat DEFINITELY DO NOT ANSWER RANDOM QUESTIONS FROM WAZZA.

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@Soulshade55r no seriously why did you kill your own Cultist just to get a mislynch on a bountied person, thatā€™s such a bad idea

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Arete canā€™t be scum unless they are Invoker and redirected Ozz to Hjaā€¦ Hja was NS so she canā€™t be scum unless she disguisedā€¦

So either Hja was converted N4 and used disguise N5

Arete was converted N2/N4 and made a really weird play with Soulā€¦ which seems unlikely at this point

Luxy was converted N4 and just had the conduit usage still for N5.

Luxy was pushing on Arete earlier which seems really weird. Did he say that he thought Soul and Ozz were both town or did we just imply that he said that?

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I mean, itā€™s still theoretically possible Italy was the starting Seeker who became CL and sacrificed themselves, but I was (afaik) the only one suspecting them of being Cult, so I donā€™t think thatā€™s very likely.

Eh I trust that Italy wasnā€™t starting cult. I have to commend Italy for saying he was occupied on Ozz, that was smart af

Luxy is probably big convert, but the good news is that we will know if he is converted if he canā€™t conduit Arete and I after lynching Soul