Clash of Cults - Dead Chat

If there is a class based on players mine should just be marSWOLE, my jacked alter ego

mine would probably just be a pride flag

Wow. I didn’t break any rules. It sounds like Soul is starting to say “I would have won, but they game was flawed”.

And it was TvS and everyone thought I was the scum. How do you expect me to react? What a sore loser.

I honestly think they’d be smarter here to go for soul first and set up links for Luxy to make to confirm him and then do their plan on Luxy and magnus instead tonight.

Btw Jgoes could still be scum if they were apostle.

No, I got bountied today. They would have had to have been converted last night and we know there was an erad.

This right here.

What are you trying to say? I don’t understand.

Why was OzzKozz lynched again

apparently bountied by jgoes, and one of him and soulshade was scum

I’m saying that Jgoes could be Apostle from Noble who took Bounty as a cult ability.

Can anyone else explain this to me? I’m no understanding @JakeTheWolfie here…

Corax doesn’t get cult alts.

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Jgoes starts as Noble.

Jgoes gets converted into Corax Apostle.

Jgoes chooses bounty as a Cult ability.

Where does it say that?

de classcards dingus

Where it says CL doesn’t get train.

Otherwise Tele could be converted Priest who took call of the dead or whatever.

So Jgoes can’t be Converted noble? Or are you intentionally misinterpreting me?