[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I’m really happy with everyone’s performance and the effort they put into this game. Hat’s off to you. :tophat: It honestly makes me a bit teary talking about it… :stuck_out_tongue: My first 10000 post game. Thank you guys~


@Vulgard: Alice, you’re delusional. There’s no way that all scum are inactive. You’re better than that so you’re probably a Cultist!

Starting Corax team is Soulshade and Frost, both 0 posters d1


I don’t think anyone really played badly while I don’t agree with Ozz being insulting at times I hope there
isn’t any hard feelings

“Random guesses of randomity”:

1: Solic
2: Geyde
3: Solic

This is going to be so inaccurate.

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Does anyone have advice on how I can improve, besides ‘do a useful night action that doesn’t actively hurt your faction before N5’?

@Vulgard: Alice, I bet you’re in the same Cult as Kai and Ozz. There’s no way both of them flip BD here!

Kai and Ozz both flip BD.

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Oh it’s me on Sulit

me on Teleology

Geyde on you

…and heck, even if your advice is on doing useful night actions before N5 I’ll take it.

Hey, at least I got one correct.

Did Derps actually not realise Court Spies weren’t permanent?

I didn’t think Magnus was real honestly, nor did I think he was stupid enough to believe in me.

A) Didn’t think he would actually bleed me after Vulgard interfered.
B) Because I was going to die that night, had no idea Vulgard was going to heal me.

I’m reading Corax chat right now.

These are the 3 main quotes from my classcard.

TFW we scumread Italy for claiming prevented on Ozz and he actually was prevented

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I had two people try to save me. Feelsbad.

Whens SFOL 53

Mfw when I got scumread for liking a post.

TFW you push two mislynches, block a check on a cultist, and block a Bounty on a cultist…

…and you’re BD.


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Also, I thought Corax was going to kill Vulgard and King and was actually right somehow.