uh no.

it wasn’t.

I’m Knight. The plan was to cold steel tonight and either die, hoping to waste a Cult Kill or kill a Cult and gain credibility. Was hoping you’d townread me and pick up on my softs and not jail me (there are a LOT).
Can’t post all of the quotes but most of it was saying things like ‘We’ instead of ‘Prince’ (because I’m knight) and the point where I could deal with things myself was genuine too (cold steel).


Marshal - Blue Dragon
SoulShade - Null
Alice - Blue Dragon
Datbird - Blue Dragon
JakeTheWolfie - Blue Dragon
Kai - Blue Dragon
Napoleon - Null
Arete - Mithras Cult
Luxy - Blue Dragon
SirDerpsAlot - Mithras Cult
Sulit - Corax Cult
KyoDaz - Myself
Italy - Null
Frostwolf - Null
Jgoesgaming - Blue Dragon
Vulgard - Blue Dragon
Centuries - Blue Dragon
Teleology - Blue Dragon
PKR - Corax Cult
Magnus - Null
OzzKozz - Blue Dragon
Hja - Blue Dragon

If you believe me please tell me who you are so I can claim the jail on you and protect you if need be.

Kyo you forgot that I literally have the fucking message.

You expect cult to kill you.

you were hoping to waste a cult kill

it’s right there

in the fucking writing

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


I mean obviously I’m going to say that because no Prince is going to let me live because I was bored

I’ve lied before as Town and emplore fake AtE strategies all the time
See Looming Threat
This isn’t foreign ideology

I pulled up quotes too lol

I claimed Prince because I was about to be executed and hoped that I would be seen as a real Prince to never be scum fakeclaiming Prince
And I was bored as Knight
I don’t like Knight, I’ve rolled it like three times

but you posted in your classcard that you had a plan

so I supposed you just lied to yourself and the hosts too eh?

I claimed Prince to stop myself being executed so I could self-resolve N1 by cold steeling
That was my entire plan
It was not to save the actual Prince

but didn’t you say you did it because you were bored?

wait no it was because you wanted to be seen as prince

dude just lolcat

kat someone wants to know what your opinion on seer cover is

like in cop13 for example.

Why can’t it be both

I was bored as a Knight and being scumread and about to die
So I claimed Prince to live to N1 and cold steel to resolve my slot
I’d either die, confirming someone or be confirmed

So you claim that you claimed Prince to stop yourself from being voted out D1


Clash of Cults didn’t have a D1 execution

(also you’re just completely ignoring Virtuous)

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Sad sulit noises.

I mean it can
but I don’t see why you have this plan, to self-resolve by coldsteel and avoid exe with your FPS
and tell all of that as the truth
but also only lie about wanting to waste a nightkill to the prince and nothing else
I straight up don’t believe you.

idk what side ur on so u don’t get a special spot nerd

Then it would’ve been D2 because I just remember knowing that I was going to die if I didn’t claim Prince

What was Virtuous again

Ok fair.

Virtuous II

game where I claimed one of the top town PRs in an attempt to stop conversions and draw the nightkill


evidence that I can, and quite literally have, SUCCESSFULLY, done this same FPS as town before.

they linked it in the same post

kat said arete was talking about other virtuous but I still want you to address this

Except that it … happened on D1 … and this is publicly verifiable information …

Last Stand of the Virtuous

you claimed Duke D1 as Archer

but actually

‘why did Kyo claim Prince as not Prince’ isn’t fundamentally relevant


your own words still give away that you’re familiar with the concept of PR cover, as evidenced by the fact that you used ‘I was hoping to draw the nightkill’ as a defense when asked to explain your behavior

Why are you guys still arguing about this?

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