[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Opinion on jake

Iā€™m probably going to regret this later today, but
/vote Kai_5

Jake the Wolfie? Eh townlean for now, he stood by what he said in his supposed scumslip, but hasnā€™t really contributed anything else

@JakeTheWolfie need an opinion on Kai please.

Accused Voters Votes
Ozzkozz Arete, Magnus 2/10
Kai_5 Luxy, Jgoesgaming 2/10
JgoesGaming Kai_5, Alice, SirDerpsAlot, Ozzkozz 4/10
Soulshade55r Vulgard 1/10

Iā€™m pretty sure Ozzkozzā€™ vote is also currently on me, havenā€™t seen him switch his vote since

Please bold votes.

Okay, so let me take a look.

Todayā€™s pushes:

Me -> Tele, then I started hopping.
Tele -> Me.
Ozz -> Me.
Kai -> Ozz.
Ozz -> Kai.
Alice -> Italy.
Luxy -> Alice.
Ozz -> Kai. (Note that he is not strongly pushing, just self-aware OMGUSing.)
Alice -> Jgo. (Pretty much throughout the day, but not actually pushing. At least not strongly.)
Marshal -> Ozz.
Alice -> Jgo. (Now a proper push.)

I was going to say that lynching Kai is the best thing to do here because information etc.
But then he says this.

Very true. That said, since Kai fakeclaimed, this post is pointless. In fact, Kaiā€™s fakeclaim outed the person most likely to be the legit Paladin. Was that the intention to begin with? Iā€™m not sure.

Also, note that Derp has been sheeping several people all day on almost every single wagon that gained traction while he was online. I donā€™t like this. Does he like every single lynch target?

I think Kai and Derp look really bad when it comes to the votes and pushes weā€™ve had today. Iā€™m inclined to lynch one of them.

Notice that if Kai and Ozzkozz planned this between themselves, that makes things very difficult for us and also fished out a PR for Cult to target or convert. Kai saying that he ā€˜got a lot of information from the pushā€™ was a double-edged sword, considering Cult members are likely to have jumped on the wagon because ā€˜redcheck.ā€™ Alice pointed that out before.

Because of that, I think Marshalā€™s insistence on Ozz being scum (because of the redcheck) and townreading people on the wagon should both be looked at more closely. Itā€™s either a BD who followed the wagon and believed in it very strongly, or scum trying to lynch scum for towncred. Iā€™m leaning toward the second option because by the ā€˜always lynch the redcheckā€™ logic, Marshal is still able to gain towncred by doing this.

I donā€™t think he would care about towncred if he was BD. I might be misreading this though, so Iā€™m open to other peopleā€™s ideas.

If Kai flips scum how does that spew Ozz for you?

This is why I was pressuring Marshal later on

Since youā€™re saying Derp looks bad, what do you think of this:

My first thought was that he was softclaiming Healer/Protective, but it might have been an attempt to figure out if Healers/Protectives were going to be on Kyo. I think the first is more likely though.

Kai called Ozzā€™s Paladin claim illegitimate. If Kai is BD, that means he wanted to fish out Cult members and him saying he received a lot of information is probably true. At that point we should analyze the Ozz wagon.
If Kai is scum:

  • his tunnel makes little sense if Ozz is BD. Claiming Paladin against a legitimate Paladin wasnā€™t guaranteed to reveal a 2nd Paladin claim or do anything useful. If Ozz flipped BD, Kai would be in a bad spot and likely lynched or jailed. The wagon might reveal bandwagoning Cult, but if Kai is targeting Cult, why try to mislynch a BD and not lynch a Cult for towncred? Itā€™s possible Kai would be trying to thunderdome a BD for the interaction to be read as ā€˜TvT,ā€™ but that makes no sense either because Kai would surely be checked by Ozz (in this case he is a legitimate Paladin).
  • his tunnel makes perfect sense if Ozz is Cult. It reveals potential Cult bandwagoning for towncred, tempts the legitimate Paladin to out (since both Ozz and Kai would be fakeclaiming and there canā€™t be three Paladins), and even if Ozz gets quicklynched before Kai is able to claim ā€˜reaction checkā€™ and back out, Kai still gets towncred because Ozz is Cult in this scenario. Basically, a win/win no matter what.

TL;DR I think Kai flipping scum spews Ozz as Cult. If Kai flips BD, Ozz might tentatively be BD considering Kai backed out. Kai seemed to like the reaction he got (considering he stopped the push on Ozz), and BD!Kai would not back down if he thought Ozzā€™s reaction was scummy.

Itā€™s obviously possible for BD!Kai to be wrong about the read, but I still believe Ozz is more likely to be BD than Cult if Kai is BD. If Kai!Cult, Ozz screams Cult to me.

Kaiā€™s posting is just like two of his past scum games as well, as pointed out by myself and hjasik

I think Kai should be lynched today, wbu @Vulgard?

Itā€™s also notable Kai is not pushing Marshal despite the fact Marshal is the most likely opportunistic Cult on Ozzā€™s wagon. It might be disadvantageous for cult!Kai to get rid of a Cult member today, and converted!Marshal might be helping Kai with his strategy if Kai is Cult. Somehow I doubt cult!Marshal would help Kai if he read Kai as BD - he would run the risk of being scumread for bandwagoning, doubly so if Marshal figured out Kaiā€™s accusation was a reaction check. If Marshal figured out this was a test, he would only help Kai if he was also BD. Which leads me to believe the following.

Marshal and Kai are the same alignment. Their voting patterns and behavior on wagons suggest that to me. Which is yet another reason to lynch Kai - even more information will be spewed.

As for which Cult member Marshal would be (if Marshal!Cult is true) - I think itā€™s possible Kai and Marshal are scumbuds. Kai/Marshal/Ozz is possible in case of Kai!Cult.

Yes. The lynch gives us quite a lot of information in my opinion.

/vote Kai_5

I rest my case for now.

Looking for a replacement.

@astand, @Insanity, or @Wazza. First one to ping me gets it.

Oh my sweet sweet summer children.

the only way iā€™m scum is if i was converted n1, which thanks to my actions is nigh impossible


think a giant fuckin bear would deter any conversions