[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Isn’t this a gambler’s fallacy, having two paladins rolled already doesn’t reduce the chance of a third being rolled, especially in a setup this large.

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I don’t think we should be making reads just based off claims unless someone is confirmed.

If Kai is scum, what you think about Alice or Ozz then?


Ozz decided to use his alleged night result to fish for an occupier, BD or not - at least that is how I interpreted it. Kai faked his check and claimed Hunter later - I’m still wondering how much I believe that claim.

Italy is the only one out of the three who appears to have a legitimate result on a person I would totally check as Paladin in that situation. Which is why I base my read on that decision.

Of course it’s still possible Arete and Italy planned this between themselves, but I find the possibility unlikely. They have barely ever interacted, and if lurking is their strategy, they are no different from the other lurkers / LHF we have to sort out.

I’m still iffy about lynching among those people, but it won’t hurt for me to analyze them. That said, even though Italy’s ISO most likely looks terrible to many, that check invalidates everything else for me. I might revisit my read later, but for now, I refuse to lynch Italy.

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Not saying that wasn’t directing it at you, but if your reason to read paladin sus because of “3 paladins!” is a mistake.

looking st the situation.

im ok with being lynched. It’ll lock my slot as bd and it gives a shitton of associative reads to work on

I think I accidentally found a new lynch target.

It’s not going to be liked or expected though.

Can you give us something to make us believe you?

For the record I’m not against a jgoes lynch and his posting has been growing progressively worse over the day.

I’m just going to be mostly doing Luxy’s scummier or AI posts rather than all of them since he has 212:

I believe this interaction is slightly towny. Luxy is calling out Kyo for not adding productive information to the conversation. However, i’d like to note that this post has different interpretations depending on what Kyo actually was. If Kyo was legitimate Knight, then Luxy could be putting suspicion on him in order to kill him later. Kyo later claimed Prince though… (which honestly makes me think that his flip is accurate?) I don’t see scum fake claiming Prince Unless It’s Marshal doinfg “Hunter Bait”.

This is kind of knit picky. Cult is expected to convert instead of erad N1, so I don’t really think Kyo meant N1 in his statement, but Luxy still holds him accountable for it. This may just be his play style. I want to note that I was reading Luxy as “slight town” D1.

I feel like Kyo accidentally did this, but I like this from Luxy. He has no way of knowing that Kyo is newer and is treating him as if he should know better than how to allow scum to know how they are supposed to act to not get sussed.

There are some other posts about Luxy being sus of Kyo, but yeah.

So Luxy was one of the people to call out Jake’s post as being a “scum slip” TBH, i do not think it was scum slip and this post is a bit scummy to me because I believe it came after-the-fact that someone else already pointed it out. So it’s a badwagon on Jake who is practically LHF in every single game. Although, It’s important to note that Luxy doesn’t know that he is LHF most likely.

Now that it’s explained like this it makes more sense why Luxy thought Jake was scum slipping. I interpreted it as King 80% siding with BD because they are going against the other cult faction if they are a certain cult, so they would want to lynch anyone except the cult they are sided with. But i suppose that math doesn’t add up very well. I am bad at math. But I saw where Jake was coming from. However, one of his posts that said something on the lines of “even if I was cult I could still help find other cult” seemed suspicious to me.

I disagree, but to each their own. Don’t think this is AI, just a different play style.

Meh, I think it is perfectly acceptable to defend your meta by stating what you actually do when people are assuming incorrect things about you. Luxy and DatBird don’t seem to be on the same scumteam at the very least.

There are just a lot of posts where Luxy is claiming to be scum reading DatBird.

I think I’ve already addressed this. Although it is a fair point to make that I was being indecisive, it was more because I had no previous meta on Sulit. But I think that him calling me out on this looks good for him because obviously he couldn’t meta me for that – no one could.

I like this. Shows that he wasn’t bandwagoning for a mislynch.

I don’t like this, but I understand the logic behind saying it. [quote=“Luxy, post:1148, topic:77883, full:true”]
So you haven’t seen anything AI in the past 1100 posts?

For those players I mean

Trying to get reads from the King. Seems good on him.

Metas Alice after saying he wouldn’t be metaing. Take note that he thinks Alice is originally town.

FeelsBadMan, but TvT is real. Shaming me for getting that town rage smh.

REMEMBER WHEN HE READ ALICE AS TOWN D1? This is Spicy. I have an idea of what might have happened.

Still pushing Alice, yet he wasn’t suspecting her D1, I wonder what changed his mind?

Trying to dismiss the possibility that there even WAS a convert last night. The plot thickens.

Continues to excessively throw shade at Alice. [quote=“Luxy, post:2426, topic:77883, full:true”]
@Teleology I think you should bring Kyo or Pkr back.

Even though Kyo could be disguised cult who was executed in jail? :thinking:

Now he recognizes that there was a convert. TMI?

I’m dead monkaS

Now calling Ozz scum even though D1 he was calling Ozz town. Nice to see that his reads flip flopped over night.

Could be pushing on an easy mislynch here, TBH.

Reading Ozz as scum even though this post makes him seem towny. Pushing the mislynch.

Dropped the push on DatBird after scum reading him D1.

Saying this to seem towny? [quote=“Luxy, post:3011, topic:77883”]
Overall, I think the possibility of a scum gambit between Ozz and Kai is a decent possibility. Kai’s ISO is a mess of contradictions and insignificant pushes designed to look towny without actually generating content. Some of Kai’s reads are good, however, this is multiball and I think there is a very solid chance of Kai and Ozz being cultists, having planned the whole ‘fake red check’ in their scum chat.

Putting suspicion on Kai, and claiming that Kai and Ozz are a scum team, which is a HUGE stretch.

Interesting that he townreads Jake after sussing him D1 for his reaction toward standing by his word. I think this could mean thay Luxy thinks Jake is part of the opposing cult and doesn’t want to push him quite yet. Luxy and Jake are not a scum team.

Again metaing when he said he wouldn’t. Is this due to him not having any real leads and this is a way for him to grap at straws?

Using this argument as an excuse to lynch active town. Seems sus.

Yet he has flip flopped all of his reads within a night. Ok.

Lots of shade being thrown at Alice, who is one of the most active town.

Throwing shade on Italy who is almost always town.

Overall, D1 Luxy’s ISOs seem really good. They only started to get scummy on D2. I think I have a theory that might be game solving. I’m really glad I did this ISO, it gave me a lot of information about the flow of Luxy’s pushes and reads.

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I just think that Italy’s scum partner (if he is scum) has to be someone that is aware of his meta and would be telling him to specifically claim/do certain things. Arete is smart enough and capable of being that person. Although, i think Italy is town.

Thoughts on DatBird?


Now you say that, yet you haven’t pushed him at all today even though he was your biggest scum read D1

You’re wrong on Luxy but you’ve just moved up to lock BD for me with that ISO.

Won’t say why.

Hot take: DatBird and Luxy are scum team. Luxy was converted last night.

Because I’m pushing Kai

Tele is wrong but she’s wrong in a way that doesn’t come from scum.

Lock BD never lynch.