[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I’m sorry for accusing you at the start.

It’s okay, I wasn’t playing very well D1 so I understand

Why do you think I am wrong though?

I have a new juicy case to sell you on but I’ll wait.

I have mechanical information. Luxy is not scum.
Make of that what you will.

I’ll be honest, when I was doing ISOs from Luxy’s D1 I was tempted to just discontinue and consider the possibility that Alice could be cult, but I just found Luxy’s sudden change in his reads very suspect

Keeping the pressure up to make Kyo post a genuine post instead of convoluted hypothetical scum actions.

[quote=“Teleology, post:3794, topic:77883”]
Meh, I think it is perfectly acceptable to defend your meta by stating what you actually do when people are assuming incorrect things about you. Luxy and DatBird don’t seem to be on the same scumteam at the very least.

And I still am, I just haven’t built a case yet.

When did I say I wouldn’t be meta-ing? I legit meta Kyo an hour into the game for me.

It was a bad read :man_shrugging:

Something happened last night I already told you this but it was confidential.

I also said that my reads on Alice are weak, and it was a weak ass read. Also an ‘early impression’ as I stated before.

Because that was my first impression? I hadn’t read the thread at that point and didn’t think Kyo was jailed.

Because I don’t trust her.

There were three kills… lol. People had already established it but I’m TMI?

There was a ‘red check’ lol

The logic flows from me thinking that most people active were town and then deciding it was too convenient.

How is that dropping the push on him, I asked him why he was so angry and it made sense.

It’s not a huge stretch have you read anything I’ve said.

Pkr convinced me, and Pkr flipped town.

I never fucking said I wouldn’t meta, I’ve played with Alice and Kai before. Why is his posting style the exact same as his scum games.

You’re high if you think there isn’t something wrong with the current towncore. Something is way too easy about this game. Mafia games are never this easy.

Alice is not town in my books. She stay null for me.

This is not throwing shade I was pointing out a fallacy. I never said he was scum for it.

You’re ignored many of the posts which led to my confusions which make my conclusions look scummy. You’re suffering from severe confirmation bias. You need to read my actual reasoning for the push on Kai.

Because SOMETHING happened last night how many times do I have to tell you.

Yes I understand her thought process, it definitely comes from town.

Luxy, how are we meant to trust you? You use light theme.

But it’s very much confirmation bias for her, picking out posts which look bad without the thought process behind them.

Also Tele’s choice of ISO target + some bits in the reasoning only further solidify my BD lock.

Scum wouldn’t do this. Especially not now.

How about you contribute something instead of making the same bad joke over and over again

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Who do you think should be checked at night?

rule of three.

something is only funny if it happens thrice. no more

I dunno, I think i’ll check napoleon since people think they might be converted.

I was referring to this quote

@Arete (answering Arete’s question but directed to everyone) So what I see is that Kai slowly tried to pressure Ozz and when he didn’t break through, went with a redcheck on him for a reaction test. Their reaction test was a bit flawed though… they initially meme accused Ozz without any logic… and then go on to claim a redcheck on them. If I were pressuring someone, I would go more than to just say “ozz is scum”, “lets lynch ozz”, “Kill this Cultist known as Ozz”. I’d have given myself a reason to think Ozz is susp too.

The sudden change in the vote train with 4 votes piling up on Ozz didn’t feel pure to me either. If this train were an opportunistic look for evils with some coordination, then here’s how we have to look at it IMO:

Alice, Kai, Ozz, and Derp all voted on this train. They all knew this was a reaction test (except Ozz maybe). One thing to point out is that Kai said that Ozz’s reaction makes him look town. I felt like Ozz was town before, but this reason seems weak. I’m sure anyone would be confused looking at the sudden change of votes. Here’s my theory, if this train has evil in it:

  • Kai + Ozz feels possible. Seeing how Kai rescinded after Italy CC’ed, it’s kinda believable that they would switch their claim. However… his change in his claim doesn’t really surprise me. Also, I’m not sure if Kai + Ozz as a scum team would both claim Paladin. Also, I don’t particularly read Ozz as scum, they feel genuine about their class reveal… but I’m a terrible reader so I’m willing to consider this possibility
  • Kai + Alice is another possibility here. I don’t think Alice is really clear here… they came out saying they had mech info against Tele after they said they were confirmable. Seems like a poor check to me… as Tele was likely to claim something confirmable D2 seeing how many people scumread her. In this team though, I don’t really see what the purpose of this is… you could just let Kai go and rescind their claim alone. There doesn’t seem to be a point to risk such a play like this and this seems like the least likely to me…
  • As for Derp, that vote there seemed opportunistic. They jumped on a lot of trains. They did justify it, but iirc, Derp said something about being confused about the game earlier and I’m not too sure if they would be so eager to vote people were they confused… though it might mean that they could sheep a lot more. However, if this play were orchestrated… their sheep vote doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense… their team would have likely stopped them from voting and risking their position. Kai and Alice, both being vets, wouldn’t allow this IMO. Ozz + Derp seems possible tho…
  • If there’s anyone that played along on this vote individually, it’s Derp tbh. Kai started the reaction test imo and this doesn’t feel like a scum-based move from Alice.
  • The thing with this is that this play feels weird. It feels coordinated but I don’t think sum would make themselves that obvious. This is gonna suck if they all are town now.

I’m not so sure about Jgoes now… they feel a bit better today…though I still feel those scummy vibes from d1. I would like to know who in Jake/Marshal/Kai/Magnus they prefer lynched and I would also like them to answer Luxy’s question. They also have been calling out Derp, but I would like to see a bit more certainty about who is his preferred lynch.

Speaking of which, I don’t think Jgoes was part of this plan (they were inactive at this time). Kai and Derp aren’t ever on the same team as Jgoes here. I still feel sus of Jgoes here though.

I think I would lynch Jgoes/Derp/Kai5. Derp and Kai5 are better lynches imo as they reveal more information. But if we are gonna lynch Kai, I want to know more about my other lynch candidates. I know usually pushing for claims is bad… but I feel like getting a claim from Jgoes or Derp isn’t a bad move here.

Also, Dat/Hja/Wazza/Marshal/Jake/Soul have not escaped my attention. I want to see more from them.

I previously townread Vul and Luxy so I haven’t really been critical of them. I do remember looking through a few posts I really liked from Vul though.

Also Vulgard and Luxy. You both wanted a lynch on Kai here, correct? So what was your plan after you lynch him (for both flipping BD or Cult)?

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What do you think about Ozz?

VC coming up soon™

Thank you for this post. Up in my BD core.

Won’t say why. Yet.