[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Arete can’t be scum unless Italy is also Scum or Arete was converted N1, and Arete’s posts seem consistent throughout D1 and D2 so I have no reason to suspect they were converted

Thank you. Although the attempt at ISOs made me almost want to reconsider my opinion on Jake, I remembered that he started doing them only afted i meta’d him from a past game and said that i liked when he


Fair enough. I’ll disagree with you as a precaution. I trust you and respect your reads, but I have to come to my own conclusions based on what was said to me and how people reacted.

Well you said you didn’t think you could win me over, and then you said you thought I was scum. Why would you try and win a player over who you thought was scum?

Fair enough.

I see. I must have missed something important somewhere. Can you explain?

Italy claims Paladin with a N1 TF on me as NS.

Luxy, I’m trying to mend things with you as a player, not as SvT, TvT, or SvS. I want to respect you, but I don’t get that you’re willing to do the same. I obviously have some work to do.

I respect you, you just made me angry by calling me a tool, so I retaliated.

Oh interesting. I knew the paladin claim, but I somehow missed the test on you. Thanks for clearing this up.

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No ad hominem reee

Oh haha. You made angry way earlier by the way I read your tone and accusations towards me.

You we’re angry when you I said I like Marshal’s post?

I don’t know what you mean. Sorry.

I interpreted that outburst as you, as scum, angry that you were cleared at one point, and then you were no longer.

@Marshal you seemed really angry here.

He’s asking if you were mad that he was liking Marshal’s posts or why you were mad about it

Ok is he claiming here that he was/will be disguised by Mithras cult?

This just feels like he knows he’s going to flip cult but doesn’t want to provide associations because he was just ‘disguised town.’ Theres so much WIFOM in this post though aaaa