[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

imagine taking d1 serious luhmaO

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So I quickly looked through the posts and apparently Ozz is suspicious for memeing a lot. Iā€™ll probably ISO him later, but let me point out that he didnā€™t meme a lot in NFoL4 and he was evilā€¦ I feel like he wouldnā€™t want to draw attention to himself in this way if he were evil.

imagine playing the game on d1, which exists for a reason

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meming is NAI, if not village indcative.
usually wolves are a bit more careful with their language

I think heā€™s sus because he said he was reaction fishing but he avoided answering when I asked him what reactions he got and what reads he got out of it

yah no

im not all there so sue me

I feel like his read on Arete was a bit lazy though.

ugh, im tired and probably gonna take an early night.

im exhausted

Scum donā€™t ignore posts like that. If anything, they say theyā€™ll look at it later and hope you forget and play it off as if they forgot (sorry Datbird)
Theyā€™d come up with some excuse at least.

Iā€™m violating my plan nooo

arete stays in null like a good little uhā€¦fuck

shakes head

you people are putting one meta over everyone in the game lel

What u apologizing for?

I donā€™t approve of meta unless a specific situation arises.

I meanā€¦ thatā€™s what scumreading is, no? Mafia tend to hang the town.

[From RRM3]

Proceeds to completely ignore your questions.

Ahhhhh, ok np. I prob forgot

Yup. Probably why you didnā€™t have me hung for it. I had so much good line opportunities where I could have posted a good townline but I had to quote that post and thatā€™d reveal me. It was hard to let such opportunities go.

uhh thatā€™s not what scum reading is at all?