[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

If you could @ Soul, please tell me what you find pretty important D1
doesn’t have to be everything, just something that sticks out to you
and explain why

^ for after you catch up with the thread

Thanks sir, I’ll not forget this kind act!

Hi I’m half awake now

Welcome what are your thoughts on boneless chicken vs boned chicken

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Boneless chicken is much better since it can be classified as popcorn chicken. I love popcorn chicken.


So kyo u gonna tell us that classified D1 info yet?

He can’t just tell us classified information!

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Why not as I pointed out, theres no info he would have from N0 or D1 from any bd class that would prove that Jgoes is scum except if he was informed minority. So it’s all a read or a sus bit of posting so he should be able to just out the info, since outing a read or a sus posting is no problemo

Because then we would know he dosent have a reason, and we can’t have that

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and hes here and just not posting it based on that like

Well, derp’s first post was correct. I’m still not going to tell you but it’ll be in my journal.

Yes we can thats called getting rid of fake info, if its fake hes just leadin us on a wild goose chase like last game with a fake redcheck

As you’ve said any day ability would not reveal scum immediately.

That theres classified info that is mechanically IMPOSSIBLE.

Cause no scum can be found with a day ability D1/N0. Noble cant, sheriff cant, prince cant. None of those can, its BS

When did I say it was mechanical?

Well then its a read so theres no need for keeping secret about it

cause if you out it, tks can just shoot them or they can rb him. But u keeping it secret makes it do u put blind trust into kyo, and the answer to that is a big NO

That’s why I said if you don’t believe me that’s completely fine.

So just out the read, I can out mine why I dont trust him the way he answered thee capri sun question is imo sus as hell. It might be because I never heard of a orange flavored capri sun but its also cause the faction color of the one cult is orange and now that 90% of the people here know my trick on noobs he could have been told what to answer,

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That’s… a bit of a shot in the dark.
I don’t know why preferring blackcurrent makes me evil. But sure.