they linked it in the same post

kat said arete was talking about other virtuous but I still want you to address this

Except that it … happened on D1 … and this is publicly verifiable information …

Last Stand of the Virtuous

you claimed Duke D1 as Archer

but actually

‘why did Kyo claim Prince as not Prince’ isn’t fundamentally relevant


your own words still give away that you’re familiar with the concept of PR cover, as evidenced by the fact that you used ‘I was hoping to draw the nightkill’ as a defense when asked to explain your behavior

Why are you guys still arguing about this?

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I claimed Prince in Virtuous to soft vigilante again

Its because you made up some bullshit n0 info you had and I called you out. I remember it very vividly

Hey arete, you were the real prince that game weren’t you

can you pull up the message

or even if it directly contradicts his claims is he gonna just say “ohwo I was ackshually lying to the princs gamer momnt”

Why would anybody believe I was actually Duke in that game

N2? Why N2?
I’m pretty sure it was specifically N2 because Arbalest couldn’t shoot N1 and Duke could (?)

It actually supports my case

Letter to Duke

It should be obvious at this point what I most likely am. I have reasons for claiming Duke that I’m not going to specify to you at all. If you think you’re getting my claim, then lolconversion. Good luck with that.
Even though you are confirmed to be Duke night one you’re the top conversion target.
That’s one of the reasons why I claimed it. To give you cover and have them hopefully slip up on their convert if they look elsewhere knowing I’d be protected.
My reason for being town has already been stated.
If you’ve done this for protection and townread me or something then I wouldn’t be opposed to claiming to jail you if you send me your name with your message.

But I’m never going to claim inside of this jail.

It was entirely to soft vigilante


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Read the entire message.


Do we just look for one or two words
Or can we read

You also have to read Virtuous’s OP for the game mechanics

It should be obvious at this point what I most likely am. I have reasons for claiming Duke that I’m not going to specify to you at all. If you think you’re getting my claim, then lolconversion. Good luck with that.
Even though you are confirmed to be Duke night one you’re the top conversion target.
That’s one of the reasons why I claimed it. To give you cover and have them hopefully slip up on their convert if they look elsewhere knowing I’d be protected.
My reason for being town has already been stated.
If you’ve done this for protection and townread me or something then I wouldn’t be opposed to claiming to jail you if you send me your name with your message.

But I’m never going to claim inside of this jail.

it was like the most useless jail message ever

I was annoyed that I couldn’t chop him N1




I read it and I still think u did PR cover

The primary reason was not PR cover
I never do PR cover for just PR cover
It was to soft vigilante