[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I didn’t start to challenge your reasoning. I’m just disproving why your reasoning is completely impossible and not foolproof.

You are assuming what they will do without any information rather than looking at the result and then read who may have intentions to do that.

So I’ve been looking at Kyo’s previous games. Here’s how he starts EFoL3, his first game.

He starts with his opinion on Priestess’s bleed claim.

The first significant post that was given by Kyo in NFoL4. I recommend you look at this game though, he will back this post up with some evidence.

And then Kyo opens up with this. But let me just say this, I’ve looked through EFoL3 and NFoL4, and I don’t think I’ve seen a post like this. Initially, I didn’t think much of this but now that it’s pointed out, it does feel a bit awkward.

Otherwise… he’s acting the same way I would think he acts as BD in his later posts. He participates more imo than from NFoL4, asks a lot more questions, and overall is more aggressive, which differs from his playstyle in NFoL4. This could just be a sign of improvement though. I believe Kyo has improved in terms of reads and confidence from EFoL3 to NFoL4 and I don’t find it unreasonable to assume the same here. The issue is that we have yet to see a Kyo scum game so I can’t compare this game to a Kyo scum game.

My read on Kyo is pretty much null for now.

meant to quote Kyo there

Some of my lines were intentionally faked in my EFoL3 game to intentionally throw Cult off of me being Prince (which worked.)

this hurts my peanut brain

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I wouldn’t try meta reading someone whose scum game we haven’t seen yet.

I don’t think we can gain anything else based on that one post though.

Kyo, if you had to lynch someone right now, who would it be?

We have. https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-random-rolemadness-madness-v3-0-game-end-mafia-mreevee7-kyodaz-solic-htm-wins/77685/3588

meta reads are dumb and overrated

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I would like Jgoesgaming lynched if I had the option.

I guess you could say this however, from you said, if someone scumreads someone and then they are night killed then they have a higher chance to be scum which is flawed logic and seems like you setting up a future mislynch.

If the person who died was BD then I could agree they’d be less likely to be scum; however if the flip was scum then that’s the point I was getting at.


Can we just leave it as classified information? Please.

I would prefer to get a reason

Why do you want it classified?

Wait hold on…

The information is beneficial to scum.


Does you revealing your scumread on Jgoes reveal something to scum?

If it did, why would you ask that instead of leaving it there