[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Which is why I’m not quoting your other lines; I can’t analyze your read progression. Now it feels like to me that you want me to credit you for your analysis, but this is usual behavior and not worthy of attention when trying to read you. I didn’t say they were irrelevant, but they don’t tell me a lot about you. I’ll read through it again though, though the only things I’ll probably asking you are for reasoning or clarification (I didn’t have any questions the first time so I doubt I’ll have them again).

In NFoL4, I tried analyzing NAI D1 way too much and in the end, it’s told me nothing. Tele was still evil. Marshal was evil. Ozz was evil.

And I explained it was a joke in the quote you sent earlier saying it was sarcasm, so idk why your getting so confused now. I can see Teo being confused on it in the moment and thats why I replied, since I didnt include a /s in the original message. But u strictly pointed out that I said it was sarcasm with the other two messages. So why is there confusion. Its a joke, you pointed out it a joke with the sarcasm quote, just because it wasnt funny to you, doesnt mean that it doesnt come across as a joke to others especially with full context that you have

I take that sarcasm thing as NAI. Doesn’t inherently feel scummy.

No, like I said earlier I don’t think people from their points of view should be townreading me particularly strongly at this point, I just think it’s relevant.

It’s relevant when it shows me something about read progression (in terms of reading you). I just took what I found to be your highlights and pointed them out.

I’m slight-leaning Ozz being town, besides his early meme-ing which I’m interpreting as NAI, he actually seems to have an interest in solving the game and stopping the meme-ing to an extent a few hours into the game.

Yes I have full context now and now understand

Pkr is a veteran and he has always been like this.

So you don’t think it could be a scumslip? Saying King is 80% of helping seems like it comes from a cult mindset to me. He subconsciously saw king as only 20% his and therefore, 80% against him (i.e town).

I don’t feel like Ozz would meme this much at the beginning as an evil… it’s his third game and I’d say he’d try and mimick NFoL4 without the small slips in between. I think I have a town-lean on ozz, but I’d say the memeing contributes to that. (of course, if he had done absolutely no gamesolving it would be a different story)

I haven’t played in three months, so I’m staying away from meta reading.

Idk how I feel about this, kinda feels like an attempt to stop read progression. Townreads Day 1 are good IMO.

Not when there is a double convert.

I thought there were no conversions night one but cult got an extra member?
Maybe not.


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that was EFOL 3

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Leaning Bad BD at this point for now

Don’t like this, i dont see why a towny would feel the need to respond with self-meta to someone else’s meta read of them.

What are your thoughts on this game so far?
