[SFoL] 52 Clash Of Cults - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Well tbh I find your behavior to be a bit different. You seem to care more than you have, but you caring enough to defend yourself is lilely NAI

Tbh i skimmed over the chat and didn’t see it, that’s why i changed it

So you are scumreading me for activity?

You’ve been memeing a lot and not really contributing

Kai is our LORD.

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Yes, i suppose i am. Because ive been told by you yourself that you’re inactive as town and it turned out to be true

I’ve been active as town too

Think about how I am getting berated right now and what that says about my alignment.

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ah you haven’t been acquainted with me no?
i’m kai get fucking used to the memes


i live breath and sleep mened

my entire life is one big meme

You can’t scumread for memes unless they’re bad ones that’s the rule

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I kind of want to Iso Magnus but I’m worried it would just turn into criticism of his playstyle and I’m not sure that that’s helpful right now.

go off sis

When did Magnus claim hunter btw?


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Some of Sulit’s posts. It is important to note that he said he would be busy with school before his class was rolled so that’s NAI.

A lot of his posts at the beginning seem void of meaning. However, the context of that tine frame was that everyone was memeing, and this could just be playful towny activity.

I like that he added to the conversation about caution by explaining that being cautious is NAI to him because town and scum both have reasons to do it. Seems like a towny thing to do.

He is thinking on terms of scum partners. Which is either a lazy scum read from a scum, or a Bd attempting to throw out game solves. We should keep in mind that the cult can create legitimate scum reads as well (to find opposing cultists).

Sulit is interrogating/asking people questions to get them involved. This is a generally towny thing to do, but even on my second game I was asking people questions as scum so… :confused:

Caring about other people’s responses looks really good on him tbh. Unless we think he is trying to push for a mislynch here. I know Sulit is a vet? I haven’t played any games with him and I am unfamiliar with his play style.

Here is him explaining his scum read on Ozz. Either Sulit is trying to push for a mislych on Ozz or Sulit is likely town trying to hunt his leads.

After reviewing Sulit’s ISO I am not reading him as scum anymore. If anyone has any ideas about his play style please say.

However, he is still not “confirmed town” in my mind by any means

  1. Marshal - Sexy-lean
Click for free Vbucks

Haha get pranked nerd virgin

  1. SoulShade55r Null | No content

  2. Alice Null | No content

  3. Datbird Null


NAI Ping is NAI

These two quotes feel a little off, as some have pointed out. I would like dat to explain his meaning.

Dat getting things moving day 1, as always.

Another example of dat getting things moving.

Overall, it just seems like dat being dat. Getting the game moving, but with a few things feeling off. Null for now.

  1. JakeTheWolfie Slight scumlean

Classic jake being combative. NAI post

Gave answer to question. still not getting much from this.

This, right here, is what i want to focus on. Was it a slip? I get what he means but this just does not bode well. When confronted about it, jake dodged as always and used heavy sarcasm. I do NOT like it very much.

Not a good answer

Even worse answer

In the end, although jake does always seem scummy, the things they have said just make me feel like we have scum in jake more and more as time goes on. Light scumread for me.

  1. Kai_5 Very very very slight townlean

kinda NAI but i like the quote

Early memes. Dont really see that as AI either but ill point it out

Gay rights = Locktown

Meme justification. I buy it.

Takes d1 less seriously. I personally see that as a townie(ish) move.

Meta reads are important, but yes, overrated.

One of the first actual game-related questions. I also would like the answer.

Ah yes, the top 3 talkers as village core. of course, thats how this works :unamused:

We now are getting some actual content. yipee.

Ozz + kai seem to be at odds here. TvT, TvS, or SvS? I think TvS.

bitch stfu america time best time

Over all, I want to put this in null, but also as town. like Very very very slight townlean. We have mostly shitposting with some content recently.

  1. Napoleon Nullread

I actually dont really see the logic for people thinking ozz was scum for memeing a lot. Yes, he did meme, but I dont think he really came under criticism. He was actually shutting down some memers himself. this might be scum defending scumbud with weak logic.

And of course you have the distance. I do feel like im being harsh here, but the scumbud explanation fits well.

Agree. This aretepost does feel a little scummy.

Getting things moving. A lot like Nfol4

Asking good questions. Again, like Nfol 4. either they know their townmeta and are following it, or are just town.

Wants to focus on Jake more than Jgoes. Noted.

IDk why you would really ask that here.

I dont particularly see where ozz was memeing. weak logic. dislike.

In the end, i am getting townie and scummy vibes. Mixed feelings from napoleon, and it will be null.

  1. Arete Null:eyes:

Arete is similar as scum and town. Im prepared to give a nullread before even Isoing arete

I think we could all tell said read was a joke. someone seems to care a little too much about how they look.

Arete seems to know how EK looks. Maybe this will be helpful in the future.

I disagree, i think the biggest threat to the cult is the other cult, but i see the logic.

Iso #1. A classic case of WIFOM where (would a cultist claim cult? its unlikely, so its BD. But it also looks Bd, so its cult.) Meh use of said WIFOM.

Definitely aware of self-meta. Noted.

Why sorry. thats not something to apologise for.

Although i can see where this is coming from. it seems to be compensating for lack of townreads. if that is NAI or Not, I don’t really know.

Again, self-metawareness.

Good question, I like this one.

Erm… werent you just townreading ozz… Hmm…

I am wary of arete, and am just hoping to read their actions further. Dont really have a concrete read but will keep my :eyes: on them.


Fuck it. Im tired. You all get these 8 Isoes/reads and i’ll do my best to do some more tommorow.

I’ve already looked at it and its literally just one-liners with nothing but fluff