SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

I am great at reading and read coming as confirming

Mafia Goon: Damn, i have to fly to Italy?

Thatā€™s how you send out multiple cards of the same card without having to get hit with that dreaded ā€˜same bodyā€™ warning @Magnus

Make sure not to use it on a mod because they can edit your OP and see youā€™ve used filler.
Give them the card without the filler.

Hah I donā€™t get that anymore :^)

I know. I do it all the time when people do the same thing in my miscs

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This is if itā€™s a closed setup, obviously. Donā€™t want them knowing there are multiple of the same card.

Do it every time, even if it is unique lol

Apparently me being bled is me being scum

Apparently me defending someone and trusting a cleaned flip is me being scum

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Honestly would not try and edit a class card sent to me anyway because thats angleshooting

Not your fault.
Both of us should have been hung if one of our flips were cleaned.
I already said Iā€™d be fine with being hung if Marshal was cleaned.

What were you Kyo?

He was real Priest

  • Autoresolve
  • Donā€™t Autoresolve

0 voters

I canā€™t answer this for certain without knowing the full set-up

Scum always win here

Is it theoretically possible, even if incredibly unlikely, for town to win assuming that scum doesnā€™t gamethrow?

Also, does the main pack actually know who the LW is (as opposed to Blizer bluffing)?

Scum have a day arsonist that will go off tomorrow and kill Hja/Frost/Vul
Magnus was killed by a strongman
Italy was likely (donā€™t have conf) killed by Vul + Pkr

Scum have a 3x election vote (basically better RB)