SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

This game has actually really frustrated me because of how it was basically impossible to win despite having near perfect reads


I was like ‘yes im in jail and I can heal my bleed as well so i can solve the game.,’ but no INFINITE STRONGMAN BYPASS EVERYTHING EVEN THOUGH VISIT PREVENTION SHOULD BE THE BE ALL AND END ALL GRRRRRRR


He thought you were scum

Also as evidence that you were obviously Prince without TMI I’d like to point to the LW redirecting you to yourself

No, lets be honest: He bled me to confirm himself and then made up reasons that I was scum to justify it

Well at that point I’d say everyone in the game visited me Day and Night 1


I believe that this was a factor in it.

Thank you for coming to my soulread of pkr :^)

You bypassed ten character limit!

How does it feel to be dead Magnus?

I’m not confirming anything
I’m acknowledging that your opinion exists


Did I say that?

I’m not dead permanently

You use <filler (>)

remove brackets and the space

I do

Forum mafia but you die irl if you die in the game

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I would be dead