SFOL 53 - Dead Chat

If scum king is elected we get another mislynch, meaning parity which BD can never escape even if king is poisoned

ā€¦ On the other hand I trust Geyde to be correct about the winnability

Blizer probably survives poison lets be honest

Why bother? Thereā€™s no way Town ever wins. We lost N2.

boy does it suck to lose to scum in a sweep when the two most powerful bd investigative roles are tunneled fiercely by the drunk and you never have any clue what scum does

I guess there could technically be a scum lynch today if BD votes Blizer faster than scum votes their mislynch target

spec candle light, thatā€™ll be fun for you to watch

Itā€™ll be 6v7 with the 6 having a doublevote

it shouldnā€™t come down to a button clicking contest tbh

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And alsoā€¦ town arenā€™t that precise

I could have gotten marshal lynched

but i got tired and slept through EoD

I didnā€™t identify it until it was too late, but Kyoā€™s AtE here was categorically different and more convincing here than it was in SFoL 00

Marshal was so apathetic

itā€™s hard to identify, but true apathy is a scumtell for him

Blizer has loved status today

Town doesnā€™t have to be precise when two scum have hardclaimed

I agree that itā€™s over but technically they could lynch scum if scum donā€™t have a secret takes-extra-votes-to-lynch-izer

Well, i feel bad for not pushing it harder tbh. Like I voted Marshal but I had the ā€œyeah itā€™s 50/50 idrcā€ even though my intuition was correct about Kyo and I shouldā€™ve trusted it more. Terrible.

The worst part is that I assumed Marshal would be an obvious D3 lynch and he wasnā€™t

I donā€™t know what that means

No he wasnā€™t. town was fools and blindly followed areteā€™s advice

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