SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat



Geyde is a wolf defending his wolfbuddy.


Oh fuck. My reads bad

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Like the name change tho

Lemme ISO Geyde to see if I can get what is wolfy on him

Wait isn’t him the Prince tho

The Prince is…




Hi awesome people. pops up


Geyde has obvi wolf tells I think? I don’t know how to explain it though

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I can’t even…


So the scum faction basically made Luxy jail himself on accident and now they’re using the factional kill on him. In short, they’ve effectively saved Luxy here from themselves.

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Would you be mad if I added a… Lost Wolf Ascetic Dreaming God …to one of my setups?

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So here’s what’s happening.


A) Luxy’s blaming his self-jail on Arete who he reads as knowing that he’s the Prince, which is true as Arete’s the Justiciar and he wants to tunnel Arete tomorrow. Since other players like Tele are also wolfreading Arete then he may end up needing to claim to save him from being ML’d.

B) Soul’s a Dreaming God and one of his actions re-rands the King, and he’s using it tonight so the new King will be… Mislynch-prone Magnus. Yes, tomorrow the first announcement will be that somehow the consensus scumread mislynch bait will somehow get the crown for no appearant reason whatsoever.

C) Shurian and Luxy were linked due to an action from Geyde, who has a scum-aligned Mystic link. They trust Marshall is the Mystic and since Kyo is blocked from dead chat thanks to one of Geyde’s passive then this makes Kyo prime mislynch bait due to mechanics being on Marshall’s side.

In short, looks like here’s what’s shaping up to happen d2.


Arete will end up being forced to claim Justiciar to save his ass from being mislynched, and this may end up outing Luxy as well due to their interactions.

Additionally Magnus is already suspected and him becoming King will end up getting him quick-poisoned, which will also kill a Butler alongside him.

The entire mechanics issue regarding Marshall being a trusted Mystic may also end up getting Kyo mislynched due to mechanics over reads on this site.

So I’m basically seeing both PR’s being potentially outed d2 and the entire town losing 4ish BD in a huge-ass TvT while Soul/Ozz/Jake/Marshall coast and Geyde powerwolfs from the sidelines.


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Not enough facepalms :man_facepalming:

i’d be the opposite of mad

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This is Soul’s class card.


The Elder :crossed_swords:

Syndicate Special
Alpha and Omega (Passive) - You do not join the Syndicate Chat nor do the other Syndicate members know who you are, but they know that a lost Syndicate member exists and you know who all the Syndicate members are.
Immaculate (Passive) - All day and night actions fail on you, even if a player has been empowered or if a kill is strongman. If a member of the Syndicate tries to attack you, you will then be notified and gain an usage of Righteous Wrath.
Righteous Wrath (Day) - You will kill a player in broad daylight. If you are the only member of the Syndicate alive, then this action will cost no charges. - 0 uses.
Reshape Reality (Night) - Each night you may use a different Reshape action. Each action can only be used once per match.

  • The Fool - In the next day there will have an additional lynch if a member of the Blue Dragon is mislynched, however for the coming night all results will return green checks regardless of the checked player’s alignment and the Syndicate’s factional kill will not be seen by Observers.

  • The Magician - All day and night actions in the coming cycle will bypass occupation and redirection, and even the jailed player will be told that they can perform an action that will bypass the jailing’s occupation.

  • The High Priestess - At the start of the next day, it will be publicly announced who was visited by the Justiciar and what result the Justiciar obtained, and the main Syndicate chat will have three random players who are not the Justiciar revealed to them.

  • The Empress - For the coming cycle all actions, as in both day actions and night actions will not consume a use of their charges. This is only informed to the main members of the Syndicate.

  • The Emperor - For the coming day, rather than twice the King’s vote will count for four times the amount of an average vote. However in the middle of the day they will be bled if they are a member of the Blue Dragon, and fake bled if they are a member of the Syndicate.

  • The Hierophant - Tomorrow night all players will be redirected to their targets this night, and if their previous target is currently dead then they will be just occupied. This bypasses redirection immunity.

  • The Lovers - Tomorrow the first two players that cross-vote who are both members of the Blue Dragon faction be loverized and gain a neighbourhood chat.

  • The Chariot - All kills in the night after this one will be empowered and cannot be occupied, however if a member of the Blue Dragon kills another one then there will not be any penalty for them.

  • Strength - All strongman kills will be turned into normal kills for tonight, while all normal kills will turn into strongman kills.

  • The Hermit - In the night after this one all investigative classes will be occupied bypassing everything. However all investigative classes will have night immunity for tonight and will be healed from bleeding, if they are under this condition.

  • Wheel of Fortune - Randomly uses a Reshape Reality action without costing a use of it. In addition, the new Reshape Reality will not be announced in the main thread but you will know what was randed.

  • Justice - All main members of the Syndicate will secretly have a double vote for the next day. However all investigative results for the coming night will be perfectly accurate and cannot be tampered.

  • The Hanged Man - The player that is lynched tomorrow will gain a one-shot vengeful attack to use on one of the voters on their wagon overnight while at the same time having one shot heal to use on a voter off their wagon overnight.

  • Death - At the start of the day, the current King will return to their original class and another player will randomly be chosen to be the new King. The new King can be a member of any faction.

  • Temperance - Tomorrow all day actions will fail and will still consume a charge if there is an attempt to use them. However members of the Syndicate are warned of this effect beforehand.

  • The Devil - All day and night actions in the coming cycle will be redirected back to their user without bypassing occupation immunity, however Killer-type classes and Syndicate members performing the factional kill will gain night immunity.

  • The Tower - Tomorrow the King will die at the end of the day. Additionally by the end of the day you will have two guesses on the identity of the Prince. If you choose to answer and either of the guesses is the Prince, then they will die. If you choose to answer and neither of the guesses is the Prince, then you will die.

  • The Star - Any dead members of the Syndicate will be able to use their Omega Actions for the coming cycle, however if the King is a member of the Blue Dragon then they will also be able to jail and execute a player for the coming night.

  • The Moon - Three random players will be fake bled across the day while in the next night three other random members of the Blue Dragon will be seen as members of the Syndicate to faction checks.

  • The Sun - Tomorrow you will not be able to voted for an execution. However if a Syndicate member is up to a rand in a tie then it will always rand to them over a member of the Blue Dragon.

  • Judgment - All the dead players tomorrow will be able to talk in the thread tomorrow during the day, but all dead members of the Syndicate will be able to use their night actions as well in the coming night.

  • The World - If tomorrow the Syndicate is one mislynch away from achieving parity than they will instantly win the match.

New World Order (Ω) - Each time a member of the Syndicate dies you can choose to re-use an action from Reshape Reality.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon.

Yeah, it’s a…


Lost Wolf Ascetic Dreaming God with a tarot-themed flavor.

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Could identify it was tarot by reading the name of things
Some day I took one hour to read about tarot cards and it was never lost :’)

This is hilarious

8/10 good ability but no forced JoJos references

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I cannot wait to see that happen

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za warudo!