SFOL 53 - Spectator Chat

I’m stuck at post 2000, I should probably read the rest but there’s just soo many ;-;

So, any n1 deaths predictions?




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Uhhh are we allowed to discuss replacements cuz I’m honestly baffled by that one

Priestess threw a fit being that she claimed that this game is bastard since nothing should be able to redirect the Prince, and she replaced out for that reason.

Like, this really isn’t the definition of bastard. Surprises like this come all the damn time in closed setups. Something bastard would be randomly turning a Physician into a Reaper for no reason or whatnot.


Like, one of the wolves has a day-redirect that can bypass immunity, and Prince self-jailing was also possible back before Pants on Fire and Bewilder were removed.


Like, people here aren’t really used to playing closed setups, tbfh. In MU you’d often see shit like a wolf annihilating the whole towncore because the village didn’t anticipate them having a specific night action or whatnot. It happens, having a Prince jail themselves isn’t too far out for a closed match.


Like cmon it’s a closed setup like expect the unexpected. Plus it’s on the same level of bastard of when she had the drunk kill me as King, cuz that’s what tol has. As in it was unexpected but it’s not gonna ruin the game experience at all. 0lus she wasnt even the one affected by it. Luxy was. I cant beleive she replaced out. That’s like breaking a forum rule. Leaving with no good reason. Or at least I dont see it as a good reason. Plus she publicly announced it. It’s like cmon ur a mod be better


I’m actually pissed that she potentially threated the game integrity with that comment, tbh.

Though, at least I kind of am seeing results from anger management here.


Also, I love it how people are wanting to lynch Arete over him having TMI that Luxy is BD and that he knew that Luxy’s the Prince. Like duh.

Is that one of things he got as justicar

The Justicar knows who’s the Prince from the start.

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Like, it’s in the OP.

The identity of the Prince will be told to you at the beginning of the first day.

People read OP. Come on Alice. No one does that.
I read it awhile ago I was just making sure

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Also, Wazza is doing it wrong. You’re supposed to call people braindead morons, not fucking idiots.

Also, I have no idea what Italy and Frost are doing rn. They have no idea what powers the scum faction has, so for them to immediately assume that it’s a Reaper or empowered kill that did Luxy in was… terrible, tbfh.

What’s reading? I hear that doesn’t have numbers…oh it does if I count the letters? I guess count me in.

Yeah you just count all the post numbers and you should be good

I guess I will read later then.

"Alright, got a response from Alice.

Luxy was either not the Prince, or was not jailed"- Wazza

Is this another scumbud?